Chapter 15

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Percy's POV

I wasn't surprised that the boys couldn't keep up with me. The few moments that I had peace in Camp where usually spent in a prank war to try and cheer up the younger campers. Technically speaking, I am a younger camper, but being forced in the middle of a war ages you. On the bright side, I figured out how to bring in people from camp without being caught. I don't think anyone noticed, and I'm pretty sure that as long as they're close to me the mist'll cover them up too. Of course, the first people I brought in were the Stolls. It was honestly hilarious to see the prank they played on the others, and all three of us managed to figure out what my next big prank will be. Sadly, that'll have to wait until after Christmas Break. I was in the Hufflepuff common room, trying to figure out how permanent the mist was. It seems like it's just getting worse the longer I keep it on. I hadn't asked anyone for help because I don't want them to know about Hogwarts yet. The only reason I brought the Stolls in was because I knew they weren't going to remember it. The mist works the same with half-bloods as wizards here. Even if they are as clear sighted as can be, once they step into Hogwarts they'll immediately forget everything that happened. I have a suspicion that half-bloods and wizards have met before, but it must have ended worse than they thought if the mist is this thick. The people in the common room where either doing homework or talking. They're all just enjoying being at Hogwarts and learning about how the world works with magic. I laughed at the irony. They were told that they'll finally learn the real way the world works, but they have no idea how messed up the world really is. It was made by cannibals and immortals who only cared about themselves. Standing up from my chair, I headed out of the common room. I decided that I wanted to eat something, so I headed to the kitchens. After ticking the pear, I made my way into the kitchens. Something that truly amazed me was how little affects the mist had on magical creatures. Immediately the house elves turned to face me, asking me what I would like and if they could do anything for me. I told them that I just came in for a quick snack and then I'd be out of their way. They insisted that they could make me more, but I politely refused, telling them that I had homework to do, which wasn't a lie. Deciding that I didn't want to get into the already overflowing pile of homework, I made my way to the astronomy tower. Climbing up the stairs, I ran into Lupin. Just great, can't these Gryffindors just leave me alone?

"Sorry." I say.

"No, it's my fault." He says, looking at me in the eyes. A look of recognition went through his eyes. Sighing, I prepare myself for the, oh it's you, or why haven't I seen you?

"Good job." He says, I was shocked, what does he mean?

"With what?"

"Don't play innocent with me, with the pranks! You know, the ones that we haven't gotten a break from."

"Oh, right! I forgot about that. I guess I was a little lost in thought." I say sheepishly.

"Well, good job. You have no idea how irritated James and Sirius are. They're just about ready to actually explode. It doesn't help that they can't seem to find you anywhere. They've searched the entire castle, and you always manage to escape them. How do you do that?"

"Ah, that's a secret I'll never tell. Now that I'm here, I guess I'll ask first. What are you doing in the Astronomy Tower?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing much. I just wanted a place were no one would interrupt me. I didn't really go as expected, I just caught two 6th years snogging up there. What are you doing here?"

"Oh the answer's really simple. I just didn't want to be productive. It's something you'll learn about me, but I rest my case that it's not my fault." I say, heading towards the lake. I needed to waste time and what better way then by playing in the water. Remus seemed to realize that I was leaving and started to follow me to the lake too. I don't think he particularly knows where we're going but I'm guessing he doesn't really care.

"Since you're following me, we might as well try to get to know each other. You seem smarter than the rest of your group. Mostly cause you didn't challenge me to a prank war."

"Well Miss Percy, what do you want to know?"

"I guess we'll start with the simpler questions shall we?"

"We shall."

"Great! I'll start, favorite sweet?"

"Easy, chocolate. Favorite color?"

"Easier, blue. Favorite class?"

"Transfiguration, you?"

"I guess it would be potions."

"Ah, of course. How could I forget the great prank that was a result of this love of potions? I guess I now know why your demands were to make the food blue, it seems you have a slight obsession with it."

He wasn't wrong. I was wearing quiet a few blue colored bracelets, and my necklace was a blue shell.

"Why wouldn't I? It's obviously the best color of them all!"

"I would argue, but I'm too scared that I'd end up with all my clothes dyed blue."

"I was right to assume you were smart."

"As many seem to believe." We both sat down next to the lake, I took my shoes off and put my feet in the water. It'd been too long since I last enjoyed the feeling of water on my skin. Remus looked at me, and followed in taking his socks off. We sat in silence, just listening to the sounds of Hogwarts.

"I think I just realized, this is the first time we've really had a conversation. Even after all the pranks, I think the only ones who really talked to you were James and Sirius."

"Huh. Your right. Well I'll gladly say Mr. Lupin that I have enjoyed this conversation. I hope we have many more in the future."

"I honestly hope so too, Miss Percy."

HI GUYS! Wow, I really didn't realize that its been like a month since I last updated. That honestly makes me sad. Dont worry, next chapter I'll be adding more to the story. Right now I just need to establish her relationship with the rest of the characters. Stay Safe guys!

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