Chapter 9

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James Potter POV

I was sooo over this prank. It was funny until the first time I was forced into the lake. Then it just kept happening more and more. It's not my fault that my crush for Lily is that strong. Lily's also been in the lake many times, mostly from extreme anger. She can't blame Sirius and I for pranking Snivellous. He's a slimy, greasy git that doesn't deserve Lily as a friend. Sirius and I had been searching for the mastermind behind this prank. We need someone this talented at potions on our side. Imagine the chaos. So far we've realized that it's not a Gryffindor, but that's it. Not many people would think but there's a lot of students in Hogwarts. We didn't notice until we started looking through the entire population. At this rate we won't find out who it is until the end of 3rd year. I can wait, if it means meeting this legendary pranker it's ok. I just hope they continue doing it because it's fun to see someone else dabble in the art. Second year is almost halfway through and I want to do a big prank, but my pranking buddy seems distracted. Somethings off, I notice him scanning every room we go into, looking for something or maybe someone. I had tried multiple times to get him to talk to me about it, but he won't budge. Almost as stubborn as I am, good thing I'm more so. I plan on figuring it out next year, I want him to think that I forgot about it and when he least expects it I'll ask him. We're finishing dinner a few days after the prank, all of us still colorful. It seems like the prankster is being very demanding on what needs to be done to change everyone back. The teachers almost always have some sort of red on them, symbolizing their frustration. Madam Pomfrey has had multiple people in the hospital wing because of the urge to jump into the lake. I was looking around the Great Hall for what felt like the 8th time trying to find someone who wasn't colorful. The only one who could be it is Regulus Black, but last time I checked he sucked at potions. I suspect it's a Ravenclaw, the puffs are too innocent for this, and the snakes wouldn't be this obvious about their prank. I decided to look at the Hufflepuff table, because why not? It's probably not someone there, so what's the harm in looking. I searched the table until I got to the end of the table. There was an urge to look away, I had never felt it before. I fought against the urge with all my might to see what was there, and I realized it was a girl. Staring at her I noticed she had black hair and tan skin. Wait. Tan skin? How can I see her skin? She should be a color. I gasped, drawing the rest of the boys attention towards me.

"What is it mate?" Sirius asked.

"I-I," I stuttered drawing more attention to me. Until the girl turned around and I saw the most unique eyes I have ever seen. A sea green that made me feel like I was on the beach. I quickly looked at her clear, noncolorful, skin again. I turn to face Sirius, ready to tell him that I found the person behind the prank, "I-I I forgot." I can't remember what I was going to say. It felt important. Sirius looked at me questioningly, than followed were my gaze used to be. He almost immediately turned back around, with a look of confusion on his face. Like he didn't know why he turned back around. 

"I'm sure it wasn't anything big, you'll probably remember again later." 

"See but that's the thing, I don't think I will."

Persephone's POV

I really just want to stay at Hogwarts during the summer. I mean, I thought my luck couldn't be that terrible but the Fates hate me so I really shouldn't have been surprised. I know there's a bigger prophecy than all the other ones. I have a feeling we are all going to experience a change in everything this summer. It's still a few months away, but it's a gut feeling that I can't shake. Why can't I just say? If history is going to repeat itself again, I'm going to get stuck with another mini-prophecy. I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up trapped somewhere underground, but that's ridiculous. What could possibly be underneath us that has to do with Greek mythology? I finish eating and head towards my common room, ready sneak into Hogsmeade with no one noticing. Dragging my feet down the stairs from the girl's dormitory, I start to think about Nico. What happened to him? I hope not too many monsters start to attack him. Once he figured out that he can control the ground, he'll probably figured out he's a child of Hades. I have to make sure he's safe. I just don't know how to get to him, or how to make sure he doesn't get caught up in this mess. He was just an innocent kid until we came along, literally destroying his life, and taking Bianca away. Thalia was smart, becoming a hunter to escape this. I wonder what it would be like, to be free like that. No more gods, homework, or ghosting in the school. I was about to leave the school when an owl came soaring at me. I open the letter, seeing it was from the Headmaster. I'm guessing he figured out it was me who did the prank and wants to figure out the way to undo it. I sigh, not wanting to go, but the idea of blue food for the rest of the year made me go to his office. I didn't need a map to find it, it was pretty obvious, and in the letter it said the password. Climbing up the stairs, I stopped in front of the door, preparing myself to make my demands. I open it and immediately notice a phoenix and the other teachers waiting for me. The stared at me, the ones that knew who I was weren't surprised, but the ones who have never seen me before were visibly trying to fight the urge to look away. 

"Hello professors, headmaster, I have a feeling that I know why I was called here. Does this have anything to do with that brilliant prank played a few days ago?" I ask

"Yes it does. It seems like we have a troublemaker on our hands. May I ask Ms. Jackson, how are you so talented at potions?" Headmaster Dumbledore said.

"Ahhh, that's for me to know and for you to find out. Now let's continue on to my demands. It simple really, just turn the food blue for the rest of this school year and the beginning of the next." They all looked at me like I had grown another head. 

"You want us to turn the food blue?" Asked Professor McGonagall

"Yes, it's not that complicated really. You just put food dye and ta da blue food. Might I add that if you do not agree to this then you can not get rid of the potions effects. Also if you agree and at some point in the year stop making the food blue, everyone will mysteriously turn colorful again. Isn't it wonderful?"

"Why do you want us to make the food blue?" Asked Professor Slughorn.

"Because I want everyone to get to experience the magnificence of blue food." The teachers seemed to contemplate this. Slowly they all nodded and agreed to my conditions.

"Excellent! Now, I'll get started on the antidotes and give them to you for you to give to the students tomorrow. Have a nice rest of the day professors!"

"Hold up. Your not getting away that easily Jackson. I say a weeks detention with me. That seems right, one day for all the people currently in the hospital wing because of the urge thing."

"I'll take it. Nice doing business with you all!" With that I head out the door and back to the common room, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the scrumptious blue food tomorrow. Ugh what are these words, I need to stop paying attention to some of the teachers, I don't want to become the next Annabeth. I guess I'll just have to pull off some extra pranks to make up for it. I wonder if anyone would notice if I snuck the Stolls in?

TA DA!! Update! Thank you guys sooo much for being so supportive and I appreciate you so much. I hope you guys continue to comment and that you enjoyed this chapter. Farewell, until next time!

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