Chapter 7

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Sirius Black POV

This year was a shock to all of us. By all of us I mean James, Peter, Remus, and I. To begin with, Remus told us about a map that he wanted to make. It would let us see everyone and where they are in the castle at all times. We loved the idea, and started working on it. We also finally decided to confront Remus on why he disappears every full moon. He told us about his lycanthropy and avoided us for months. 


James, Peter and I had been trying to corner Remus for months. He keeps slipping from our grasp, but we finally found him.

"What do you want?" he says. 

"Why have you been ignoring us? We want to help you, just because you have a furry little problem doesn't mean that we'll hate you." James said.

"Why would you want to be around me? I'm a monster, and I could hurt you all! I couldn't live with myself if I hurt any of you!"

We were shocked, we didn't expect that.

"Remus, we'll never leave you. We don't think you're a monster, and you will never hurt us. We want to be there for you, please let us." Peter said. We all nodded and Remus looked like he was going to cry

"Thank you!"

*Back to present*

We've made sure to always be by his side. We just wish that we could find a way to be with him during the full moon. The thought of him in pain while we can't do anything makes us sick. Hopefully we'll find a solution for this soon. In the meantime, I hadn't been able to find the girl with the green eyes. It's driving me nuts, I tried telling the others about her but they can't remember anything. I've also noticed that Regulus is starting to ignore me. I know the pressure that our parents are putting on him but I don't want him to go down that path. It only leads to destruction. I just hope that I can help him avoid it, or that he finds someone to make him look at the light. 

Persephone Jackson's POV

I wasn't excited to go back home. If history was going to repeat itself (like it usually did) I would go on another quest, and end up with more guilt. I had spent the year with Reggy, he was a sweet boy, forced to do things he knew were wrong. I've made it my goal to help him, I want him to be able to be himself. I've seen how he puts up a façade, I do the same thing at camp. No one suspects the hero to be ignored. Only Annabeth and Grover seem to have noticed that I don't really give a lot of detail about my life outside of camp. I give just enough information to make everyone think they understand when really they don't know the half of it. The teachers were still doing the one on one sessions, helping me with my schoolwork. I love my house, everyone seems so nice. When someone actually notices me, they walk up to me and we talk, of course once they look away the forget the entire thing. Stupid mist. I've been trying to get it to lift enough so that one more person could remember me, but it just wouldn't budge. I was stuck in the shadows, and I was tired. I keep trying to convince myself that it's not that bad, I still have Reggy, and everyone at camp. I also know more than people would think, it's kind of funny. They think no ones watching, but I see all, and of course the best part of it all. The Pranks! No one see's me and I get away with murder. Everyone assumes it's the Gryffindors, but no one would think it'd be an innocent Hufflepuff. I walk into one of the compartments on the train, thinking back to the time that I had turned the inside of the Ravenclaw dorms to the Slytherin colors. Causing a full on prank war between the two, that even the teachers got sucked into. I was cackling from the distance, happy that it had worked out so well. I started homing Take Me Home (Country Roads) by John Denver, waiting for Regulus to come into the compartment. After the 3rd time through the song I decided to go around the train to find him. On my way there, I bumped into someone. I looked up and found the infamous Remus Lupin. 

"I am so sorry, I should've been looking were I was going." I start to say, looking down.

"No it's ok, it's my fault. I shouldn't have been walking while reading." He says, also looking down.

"Let's just agree that it's equal fault on both of us." I say looking up. I wasn't expecting him to actually be nice.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" He says, then sticks his hand out. "Remus Lupin." He looks up and meets my eyes. 

"Persephone Jackson." I say and shake his hand. He looks deeper into my eyes, like he forgot something. His eyes widened and then he started stammering. "It's you... the one Sirius talks about. How?" I was confused, what did he mean the one Sirius talks about. I was more surprised that someone actually remembered me. Before I could say anything back, I heard someone say,

"Remus hurry up! We've been trying to find you forever! Common, let's go to the compartment." Remus looks away. Big mistake, I walk away. I knew that he would forget me so I saw no reason to say goodbye. I did turn around once to make sure that he did leave. I was about to turn my head around, but not before finding Sirius Blacks gaze. I looked away and ran back to my compartment, completely forgetting the reason I was out of my compartment in the first place. I open the door and find Reggy there. He looks up at me and motions for me to sit. 

"How are you doing?" he asks. I knew what he meant, I had told him my doubts of a peaceful break and he agreed.

"I'm nervous. What if someone actually dies in this next quest. I don't think I could deal with that pain. It'll eat me up inside."

"We're just going to have to hope that it won't be too bad."

"Yeah hope that MY luck is good. Because I'm the luckiest girl here." I say rolling my eyes. He huffs and pulls out a book. I look out the window and wonder, just how bad can it be? 

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