Chapter 12

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James Potter POV

I can only remember parts of last night. I am absolutely sure there was a girl, a Hufflepuff, but I can't remember her exact features. I do remember that she knows everything and that she's willing to help us with becoming animagi. I walked into the Great Hall, stopping to look (read as stalk) Lily. She looked beautiful today, just like she did everyday, one day I'll get her to see me as more than a prick. She was talking with Marlene, probably about something that had to do with school and the teacher and whatnot. I joined the rest of the guys, we really need to come up with a group name because it's weird just to say guys. I'm sure we'll come up with it later. I sat down and started to get some eggs and bacon, not before noticing Sirius looking at Regulus. I know better than to ask him so I let him be. None of us dared to speak about last night, we didn't want Remus to figure out what we were doing just yet. We talk about random nonsense and what our next prank should be, with the obvious eye roll from Remus, and finish our breakfast. We stand up and I start walking to the doors to get to potions, I watched Sirius going to Regulus, probably to talk about something to do with their homelife. I don't talk about it with him, I will at some point but I'll give him space for now. On the way out I decided to go to some of the Hufflepuffs, maybe I'll see the girl from last night. I don't think that I'd be able to identify her immediately, her features are completely foggy and the only real feature I could remember were sea green eyes. I walk around looking all the girls in their eyes, trying to see if they're green. There didn't seem to be anyone with the particular shade, I even went up to some of them and asked them if they knew anyone. None of them had any clue who I was talking about. I find it weird that they don't remember someone from their own house. Who is this girl and how come no one remembers her?

Sirius Black's POV

I had finished breakfast, thinking about the night before for the entire time. I tried to see if either of the others remembered her. James seemed to have a clue, however distant, to who she was, while Peter didn't seem to remember her at all. I started to wonder, what kept this girl from everyone's memories? Well I guess I shouldn't call her this girl, since I know her first name if Percy. I thought about trying to do a tracking spell, but I highly doubt that just a name will let me find her. If we had finished the map we could find her much quicker, but then there's the problem with that might not being her full name. I decided to go to my brother, I hadn't talked to him in a long time and I didn't like how distant he was getting. I know that at one point my brother will give into the family views and abandon me, but that's not now and I want to make the most of it while I still can. Who knows? Maybe he'll know something about this Percy? I walk up to him once he finished breakfast. 

"Hey Reg, can we talk?" He looked at me suspiciously, but agreed nonetheless. We walked to the lake, both deciding it was the best place without being eavesdropped. We didn't really care that we were skipping class, it is only the 4 day of school. 

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"Look Reg, I know that in a few years your going to start ignoring me. Don't even try to deny it because we both know it's going to happen. I want to make the most of our time together now, before mother and father get stricter. So I'll start, how's school been?"

Regulus awkwardly sat down, he didn't really know what to do. He loves his brother but he sees it differently than Sirius, if they have so little time left why should they get closer? It's just setting them up for more pain by getting closer together. He decided to give it a chance for now, Sirius is still his brother and he wants to learn more about him.

"It's been pretty good, I guess. I mean it's only the 4th day, the slytherins arent as bad as you think. Everyone thinks we are all evil, well almost everyone." Sirius was curious about who doesn't see them as evil, he'd probably ask Reg later. Both of them kinda just stayed quiet, they didn't really know what to say. Sirius decided he didn't like the silence, so he broke it.

"Do you have a favorite class, or close friend." Sirius was curious, he didn't know much about the Slytherins, and now that he saw a Hufflepuff make such a big prank, he started to doubt the house stereotypes. He honestly couldn't understand why it took him so long to figure out that the houses aren't how everyone thinks they are, look at Peter. He's quiet and not really brave, no one would think that he's a Gryffindor from the first glance.

"Ummmm, I really like potions and transfiguration (I made this up), it's fun to learn about so many different ways to change the substance of something. I don't really have any close friends, other than one, some of them just want to be friends with me because I'm a Black. Trust me that's one thing that I wish I could change, I can't tell the difference between my real and fake friends. It's frustrating, but there's always one person who's stayed with me the entirety of the school years, even before she knew I was a black."


"Yeah, she. She's really nice and she hates house stereotypes more than all of us combined. Something to do with how she grew up, she's really loyal, but no one knows about her. I wouldn't say she's shy only that she's just not seen. I don't know how to describe it, just that she's not seen."

"Do you think you could introduce me to her?"

"I- maybe, it really depends on her. I'll have to ask her about it later."

"Cool, do you want to know anything about me?"

"Not really, it's not anything against you, but I already know everything. If you haven't noticed, your "little group" is very well known and you have at least 15 people watching you at all times. I know how you like to hang out with Potter more than Lupin and Pettigrew. Pettigrew is quiet and never speaks up, and Lupin has at least 20 rumors from where he gets his scars. You guys all met on the train in first year and have been inseparable since. Potter sucks at potions and obviously has a crush on Lily Evans, Pettigrew isn't remarkable in anything, and Lupin is second to Lily Evans in brightest of the year." Sirius was beyond shocked, Regulus had just explained the entire basics of his friend group in a few sentences. He recovered from his shock and realized that Regulus hadn't really said anything about me.

"What about me? You haven't said anything about me?"

"Your the mischievous prankster of the group. Everyone wants to know more about you, especially the girls, but you seem sorta detached at times. I know why but everyone else always wonders. Your favorite color is silver, and you favorite animal is a dog. You never pay attention in class and yet still seem to get good grades. You can charm anyone into doing anything you want, and you have a knack for getting in trouble. That's kinda just it. There's probably more but I dont really listen too much to what you do." Sirius was surprised at how much the school seemed to know him. They got almost everything right, he turned back to Regulus and said,

"Ok, you seem to know everything, but do you really? I say we meet up once a week out here and just talk. Maybe one day you can bring this friend that's a girl with you so I can meet her?"

"Sure, it'll be interesting to see you two together. Lets do it every Wednesday after lunch, when we both have breaks. I'm gonna go to the common room, to make sure I finished all my homework. I'll talk to you later." With that Regulus left Sirius by the lake, wondering if he knew his brother as much as his brother knew him.

HI GUYS! I am soooo sorry for not updating on time. My dad got Covid on saturday so I've been a little overwhelmed. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 5,000 VIEWS!!! YOU ARE ALL THE BEST!!! I'll try to update during the weekend, and I guess I'll see you all then!

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