Chapter 6

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Regulus Black POV

I keep getting these notes. I don't know what they mean, or who they're from. Only that I seem to get them once a week, and they always appear on my bed. On it, it says to Regulus Black, and inside it reads, 'meet me at the empty classroom near the potions room after dinner." I don't know if I should go. The weirdest thing is that for the past few months at school I can't remember what happens on Wednesdays after dinner. There's this mist over my mind that clouds everything that happens, I've been trying to fight it. It never works, it just keeps coming. I was finishing dinner and excused myself from the conversation (more like fight) between Lucius and Narcissa. You would think they are happy together and can't wait to get married. Well you would think wrong. They don't hate each other, just don't really like each other either. It's an arranged marriage, but there's nothing they can do about it. Welcome to the lives of a Slytherin Pureblood. I walk down to the dungeons and go into the empty classroom that I was instructed to go to. Once inside, I see a Hufflepuff with black hair. I know there is something familiar about her, I just can't place it. She turns around and I meet her eyes, suddenly the mist inside my mind is lifted and I remember everything. 

"It doesn't seemed to have worked, Percy. I still couldn't remember anything when I wasn't looking at you."

"Well, we've tried almost anything. I don't think there's anything else we can do. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Regulus, I am about to tell you something classified. Something that I shouldn't even be telling you. You have to promise to me that you won't tell anyone, okay?"

I was curious, can you really blame me. This mysterious, girl that I had met that I felt that I knew everything about has a huge secret. I nod, but she seems to need more than that so I say,

"Fine, I promise I will never tell anyone about your secret without your permission."

"I want you to swear it on the River Styx." She says, I expected her break her serious face and burst out laughing, like it had all been a joke. She never did.

"Ok, I swear on the River Styx that I will not tell anyone your secret without your permission." At this she looked up, satisfied.

"There's really no easy way to say this. I'm a demiwitch, a half-blood." This is the big secret, a demiwitch is just another way to say half-blood. Half witch, half human, I already knew this. I look at her and roll my eyes.

"That's your big secret! I already knew that, half witch, half human. Demiwitch, half-blood, just other ways to say that your half witch." At first she looked shocked, then she started laughing. 

"Half Human, he says! That's what a demiwitch is!" I didn't know how to react! She was on the floor crying until she got up with a few tears still in her eyes. 

"Okay, I see that approach didn't work. I think I might as well be as frank as possible with you (ha as Frank, sorry couldn't help it) right now. I'm half witch, half god. Not human." My eyes widened when I realized she was actually being serious.

"What do you mean half god? Which god? How long have you known? Is it dangerous?" I couldn't help but ask questions. She literally just told me she's half fricking god.

"Ok, slow down Reggy. I'll answer your questions, I mean half god. My moms a mortal and my dad's a god. I don't know who I get my magic from but I'm guessing it's from my mom. My father is the greek god of the seas, I can't say his name because then he'll know that I'm telling someone. I've known since Christmas break in first year. I had to go on this quest to get a lightning bolt." At my questioning look she added, "Don't ask. Yes it is very dangerous. There are monsters, all types. Every Greek myth is true, so every Greek monster is real." I was about to ask which ones, like actually saying the names, but she interrupted me with a panicked look. "Don't say their names. Names have power, and I don't feel like fighting monsters right now." I nodded and tried to process what she told me. Two minutes later I look back up and ask her

"Why'd you tell me this? I mean this is probably a huge secret, but I don't understand why."

"Because there's this mist. I know you've felt it before, it's how you describe it when the memories of me are clouded. It's not just any mist it's the mist, it hides Greek stuff from mortals, and apparently wizards. Usually, I would be able to lift the mist and make it so that people can see me, and remember me. However, I suck at controlling the mist and can't get it to work for everyone. I do have enough control to lift it from one mind, that's it. You would be the only one in the whole school who would remember me."

"What about the teachers?"

"For some reason they don't have as much trouble with the mist. I still blend in to them, but if they really want to, they can force the mist out of the way. I don't know how it works, but it does. Probably because their chosen by the goddess of magic or something. "

"Will it hurt?"

"No, it'll just feel like a veil is being removed from your mind."

"Ok, let's do it."

She looked into my eyes and held the gaze, she stayed completely still for 5 whole minutes. Which I know doesn't sound like much, but she told me about the ADHD thing before. Then, without any warning, I felt the veil in my mind slowly start to fade. I gasped, everything seemed much clearer now. 

"Thank you!"

"No problem, I don't want to remain as an unknown ghost the entire time I'm here. I also really enjoy your company, and I'm glad I can talk to you freely now that you know my secret. I have to warn you, the entire mist is removed. So if you see random monsters, or some things that don't look right, walk away. Magic can't fight them."

I nodded, and thanked her again. We decided that's enough of a brain load, and headed back to our dorms. Not before agreeing for the same time next week. As I was walking to the entrance of the Slytherin common room, I couldn't help but think. Just how powerful is Persephone Jackson?

And there it is! Another chapter done! Please comment, I love reading them! I hope you guys have an awesome New Years! 

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