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"Hello everyone!" Joe greeted his camera, putting on his usual cheery, warm smile, "I went on twitter and asked you to send in dares... because you asked me to... again."

To be honest, he really didn't want to do this video today. He was tired, ill and not in the mood for making a fool of himself on the internet. He'd planned the video on Monday, but procrastinated and suddenly it was Saturday night and he still had nothing shot. He hadn't put any vlogs up this week, and even though he made the point in each one that he wasn't a daily vlogger, he didn't like to go an entire week without putting anything up.

It wasn't even as though he'd been busy lately. Well, he had been with his graphic novel coming out, but he'd just been so exhausted lately to do anything. He could've just explained to his viewers, but he was afraid they wouldn't understand.

From upstairs, Caspar sat sprawled across the couch, flicking through various channels. He could hear Joe talking to his camera from downstairs, and to be honest, he'd rather listen to the sound of his voice than watch endless re-runs of shows he'd seen a thousand times.

It took about twenty minutes before Caspar realised lying on the floor with his ear pressed against the wood listening to the sound of his roommate's voice was weird. He quickly got up, brushed the invisible dust on his jeans off and cleared his throat awkwardly, just for something to do.

 "Caspar!" came the voice from downstairs

"Yeah?" he replied, his voice higher than it should've been.

"Can you come and help me for a sec?"

"Yeah!" he said as he jogged down the stairs.

"I can't get the camera to focus," Joe explained, "and the sound's not working."

"What do you want me to do about it?" he was suddenly back to his usual half serious, half jokey self. What had come over him?

"Help mee," Joe whined, launching a cushion at him from the other side of the room. Caspar easily dodged it and laughed, taking Joe's camera down from its stand.

The youtube couples had come around to Jaspar's house that night. Alfie and Zoe and Tanya and Jim. Zoe and Tanya were sat at the table discussing something, whilst the boys sat around the TV debating what to watch. Joe lay on one side of the large sofa while Caspar sat on the other, Joe's legs in his lap which for some reason made him nervous. What was going on with him lately? He couldn't be around Joe without saying something stupid or feeling stupid.

 "I don't know, you can decide." Jim stated for the millionth time.

"I don't mind either." Alfie added

Joe shrugged, he seemed to be thinking of something. Caspar was too busy on his phone to be listening.

"Do you guys want to order pizza or something?" He said, after a silence.

"Are we getting food now?" Zoe called from the other side of the room

"Yeah, I could eat a pizza." Alfie replied

"Actually, me and Tan are going to get off now. Joe, when are you coming tomorrow to film our collab?"

Joe shrugged again, "I'll text you."

Jim furrowed his eyebrows for a second, but put on his famous grin and waved to the group.

"What's everyone having?" Caspar asked, getting the number ready on his phone.

"Actually, I'm not hungry. I'm going to go for a run instead so I'll probably get something while I'm out. I'll see you later." It was the longest sentence Joe had said all night. He disappeared out of the front door, leaving the three wondering what was wrong with the brown-haired boy.

His legs were throbbing, his breathing was constricted, and every muscle in his body ached. Still he powered on. His feet were pounding against the tile, echoing through the quiet park light by the dim lamp lights. He could barely see. One foot after the other, just a little bit further...

Joe collapsed against a lamp; he had to grab the side of it to support himself. Blood rushed to his head, he felt as though he was going to faint. But he had to keep going. He had to keep running.

So he did.

halcyon {joe sugg & caspar lee}Where stories live. Discover now