9. settling in

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🤍be prepared. this chapter is super long🤍

* Y/N'S POV*

two guards came up to us along with janson, who i had a bad feeling about. "alright. now that everyone is done. time for you all to get cleaned up". the guards then escort us to the bathrooms where it separates into boys bathroom and girls bathroom. newt pulls me close to him and looks me in the eyes. he brushes my (h/c) hair out of my face. "i'll see you later ok love?". i nod and he kisses my forehead. the boys then walk off to go have their showers, teresa and i doing the same.

she loops her arm through mine and starts conversation with me. "how come you and newt haven't kissed yet?". i look at her and give her a small chuckle. "what do you mean? we kiss all the time!". she looks at me and laughs. she stops me in my tracks and looks at me with a serious look. "no i mean, on the lips". i pull my arm away from hers and continue walking towards the showers. 'who does she think she is? it's not any of her business if we kiss or not!'. i walk into one of the showers and close the curtain behind me. i start to undress myself and turn the shower on. the water is warm and clean. i forgot what that feels like.

i change into the fresh new clothes that they gave me and walk out of the bathrooms. "follow me miss". a guard says to me. i search for teresa but she is nowhere to be found. i proceed to follow the guard. we get to the cafeteria and i look around to see where the shanks are. "hey y/n". minho says from beside me. we walk over to the other already at a table. i sit in between newt and thomas. "i already got you some food love". i look at him and kiss his cheek. his cheeks become red and warm. i mess around with his wet, blond hair. "hey has anyone seen teresa?". thomas asks everyone but no one responds.

"where are you guys from?". i politely ask the two new guys sitting in front of me. they look at me and smile. "we're from maze C. we have only been here a day or two". they look behind them to see a boy wearing a hoodie, sitting alone. "he's been here the longest. around a week i think". i look at him and wonder what maze he's from. "in case you're wondering, he's from maze A, all girls". 'that answers my question'. i look behind the boy to see teresa and two guards walking outside the cafeteria. "thomas". i nudge him while point behind the boy sitting alone. he gets up and walks towards to door.

they laugh at him and push him back. "nice try buddy. your name wasn't called. sit back down". he tries to shove past them again but only failing. "TERESA! TERESA!". she looks back at him but keeps walking away. newt, minho, frypan, winston and i walk over to thomas to try and pull him away. "look i just need see my friend ok!". i grab his hand and pull him away from them. newt walks up to them and asks them, "why isn't she here?". they looks eachother then at him with blank expressions. "she's just gotta get some extra tests done".

janson comes into the room and looks at six of us and then at everyone else. "take these kids to their rooms". i grab ahold of newts hand as they take us to our room. they open the door and push us in their. janson follows us in and stand by the door. "for once i'm letting a girl stay with the boys cause i know if i don't, you all won't shut up about it". he walks out and shuts the door behind him. i look up at newt and wrap my arms around his waist. he kissed the top of my forehead and wraps his around me, placing his hands on my lower back. everyone picks their beds, leaving a bunk for newt and i. they all knew we'll gonna share a bed anyways though.

everyone is already asleep besides me. i lay in the top bunk, cuddled next to newt. "psssst". i quickly open my eyes. i carefully release myself from newts arms and climb down the ladder. a person comes from under the bottom bunk and stands in front of me. i jump back trying not to wake anyone up. "who the hell are you?". i whisper to the unknown boy. "i'm aris, follow me". he climbs the bed and goes back into the vent, i follow shortly after. "why are we here in aris?". he stops when we get to another vent, carefully opening it up. "so i can show you this". i look down and it's a bunch of nurses doing tests on other kids from different mazes. he closes the vent back up and we quietly go back to my room.

i climb out of the vent and look back down at aris. "i'll come back again tomorrow night ok...?" i look and smile and him
"my name is y/n". he nods then closes the vent. i get off the ground and dust my clothes off. "where did you go y/n?". i close my eyes and cover my mouth to not scream. i turn around and see him on the bed looking at me. "what are you doing up minho?". he looks and me and quietly laughs "you didn't answer my question. where did you go?" i look at him then walk over to his direction. "this guy showed me this vent. it was a bunch of nurses doing tests on these kids from different mazes".

i place my hand on her shoulder and look at her. "we got tests done to us too y/n. they do them on ever—" she cuts me off before i could finish my sentence. "minho...those ones were different. they were cutting out a section of their skin and placing them in a jar". i looks and as if it was nothing to worry about. which it isn't. i honestly didn't believe her. she gets into bed, but strangely it was the bottom one. all by herself.

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