3. jealousy

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the day starts like every other day. get up. get ready for our jobs etc. but this day i look forward for. i seem to look forward to seeing her. y/n. she is unlike any other person ever. she's smart. she's witty and she's really beautiful. but i can already tell newt wants her. he doesn't ask for much, so if she wants him, he can have her. "tommy, you ready?" a feminine voice calls for me with a smile. i turn my head and stare into her (e/c) eyes and smile, "uh...yea. yea i guess". her eyes sparkle as the sun hits them making me smile even more. "i think you had a bit too much to drink my friend", she says to me while helping me out of bed, "maybe next time, avoid gally's drink". i lay back and laugh with her.

i am excited for today. today i get to figure out my job to help around the glade. 'i kinda want to be in the gardens with newt'. the mention of his name made my cheeks turn bright red. "well good morning love," an accented voice says in front of me, "what's with the blushing?" he just stands there smiling at me. i quickly turn around to calm myself and return to a neutral state. "oh...um...i don't know." i hesitantly say. he seem to not care about my response. i look around and see all the boys at work. it feels strange being the only girl. but whatever i guess.

newt holds out a hand, "ready to start work?" i look at him with a confused expression. "i want you in gardens with me". he gives a soft wink and i begin to blush again. he pulls me towards the gardens and hands me a small bucket. "go over there and grab us some fertiliser love". i nod and walk away.

i collected as much fertiliser as the bucket could hold and begin to walk back to newt and the others. "you should be ashamed of yourself". a unrecognisable voice says behind me. his breathing was heavy and so close to me i could feel it send shivers down my spine. i turn and face the boy, "i'm sorry, what do you mean?" i look at him. his skin was pale and black veins were visible on his neck and arms. "you did this to us!" he yells, "you and thomas!" i slowly back away trying to keep my anxiety down. 'what does he mean i did this to them? what did thomas and i do to them?' a waterfall of questions flowed into my mind only to disappear when the boy topples me over.

i scream as loud as i can. i bash his head with a stick just so i could run towards the closest glader. "NEWT! THOMAS! ALBY! ANYONE!" i yell nearly destroying my lungs. the boy catches up, pushing me past my limit. i notice a figure getting closer and closer. "Y/N! I GOT YOU!" thomas yells. i turn to see him punch the boy in the face, making him fall unconscious. thomas walks towards me and holds me in his arms. "did he hurt you?" i shook my head. there was only one persons arms i wanted to be in but he was no where to be seen. my vision suddenly goes blurry, i loosen my grip on thomas and start to slip from his hold. "woah y/n. come on, i'll take you to med-jacks". he picks me up bridal style and carries me there. my head flops backs, the glade upside down.

as we arrive to the med-jacks, two boys slowing take y/n from my arms, carefully placing her on the bed. they examine her to look for anything concerning but found nothing. "what happened to her?" newt says next to me. i turn to look at him. he had worry his eyes as he looked down at y/n unconscious on the bed. "everything is fine" jeff spoke up. "she's just dehydrated from being chased by ben". i notice newt look up at jeff then at me. "SHE WAS CHASED MY BEN?!" i place my hands on his shoulder to calm him down and i look into his eyes. i reassure him everything is ok, that there was nothing to worry about.

he went over to y/n placing his hand on top of hers. he kneels down beside to bed and brushes her hair out of her face. as i watch from the corner of the room, i notice how much he cares for her. newt looks in love. "it's ok love. you'll awake soon," he says in a calming voice, "everything thing will be ok soon". i walk out of the room to give him a bit of privacy with her...only to feel a bit jealous by them.
sorry this chapter was a bit long. i didn't realise until the end.
so thomas and newt have feeling for y/n. this should get interesting

qotd: what's your favourite line from the maze runner trilogy?

answer: great. we're all bloody inspired.

til next time shanks! 😉

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