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"Momoring!" Called out a certain blonde haired beauty while waving at a raven haired girl with bangs who's just about to close her locker door.

"Sana-yah!" She opened her arms for a hug as the blonde named Sana tackled her into a tight embrace.

"Sorry I'm late! The bus took a long time to arrive earlier."

"You could've just walked with me, you know?" Momo told her but the latter shookes her head and grinned.

"It's fine. I know you have a class earlier than mine so you need to be early."

"But I love walking with you." The raven haired girl muttered to herself.

"What was that, Momoring?"

"H-Huh? It's nothing! Maybe it's just the wind."

"I see. Well, I have to go now! See you later!" Sana gave her another quick hug before Momo saw her eyes sparkled, approaching a girl with blonde hair same as Sana's but is quite shorter in height.

"Dahyunie!" The younger Japanese called for the little one, putting her arm on the latter's shoulder.

"S-Sana-unnie! You scared me!"

"Oh come on! It's like you still haven't got used to my surprises. You're such a cutie!" Sana giggled before giving a quick peck on Dahyun's cheeks causing her pale cheeks to redden.

"Geez. The students are looking at us..." Like Dahyun said, there were a quite lot of students staring at them, some wede holding back their squeals and others were full of jealousy.

Including the raven-haired girl earlier.

"You don't have to be so shy about it, you know? It's not like we're a couple or something."

"I kind of wish we were, though." Dahyun thought with a sigh.

"Sana-unnie." A tall figure with brown hair and has a serious expression approached them.

"Ah, Tzuyu-ah! What's the matter?" Sana answered, removing the arm she put around Dahyun's shoulder.

"Didn't you remember that we have theater practice early in the morning?" Tzuyu told the older blonde while the younger just looks at them back and forth.

"About that, I was about to go to the gymnasium to practice but I want to walk my friend here to her classroom." Sana explained while gesturing to Dahyun.

"Is that really important than practice?" Tzuyu glared, but not to Sana. More like the one beside her.

"Of course, she's-"

"Unnie, it's okay. I can walk by my own." Dahyun reassured while giving Sana a fake smile.

"Are you sure?" Sana asked but before Dahyun could even answer, Tzuyu already interfered.

"She already said it's okay, so let's go." The taller girl grabbed Sana's hand, the latter have no other choice but to follow her.

Dahyun noticed a faint hint of pink on the blonde Japanese's cheeks.

"I knew it. She likes her, no doubt. What does she have that we don't other than wealth?"

From afar, Momo stared at how her childhood bestfriend walked away with Tzuyu. What she didn't expect is that their gazes met into a deadly glare.

"These two had no chance when it comes to Sana-unnie. She will like me and I don't even have to try." Tzuyu thought with a smirk.

"Look at you being so smug. If only Sana can see your true colors." Momo turned around and started walking to her own classroom. "Dahyun is also a rival to me. I can see that she likes Sana as well based on the way she acted around her. But she's still better than that arrogant giant."

"I may not be as rich as Tzuyu, I may not be as attractive as Momo-unnie. But I'm confident that I also have a chance with Sana-unnie. I only to find the courage that I need. Then..."

All together, they thought.

"I'll win Sana/Sana-unnie's heart."


(PS: my editing sucks)

Was the prologue too intense already or did it excite you? Let me know so I can change/improve my writings!

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