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caterina's pov ->

jessicaaaa : heyyy girlie you up yett

you : yeah cause i was woken by your text ugh

jessicaaaa : sorreeyyy :( whatcha doing today

you : back to work bleh i was supposed to have another hour of sleep but your notification sound woke me and i can't sleep anymore

jessicaaaa : should i not text you anymore so you can go sleep ?

you : yeah

jessicaaaa : okay then byee , but r u mad at me for something ? it doesn't seem like you're interested in talking to me anymore

you : no , i'm just tired

jessicaaaa : okie bbg get sum sleep :) ttyl

you : bye


i think i like jessica . it didn't really matter when she stared at me yesterday in the closet , because it's what i hoped would happen .

i only turned away because i didn't want her to think that i wanted her to look . but it was wrong . she wasn't gay , was she ?

i didn't think i was , because i've been dating men my whole life . i'd even gotten engaged to one . it never occurred to me that maybe i liked girls too .

i even told her that i liked someone from work , and she thought it was a man . i couldn't have told her it was a girl , or she'd definitely have suspicions .

it was probably mean to have chased jessica away rudely just now , and i should text her back . she's probably mad at me too .


you : hey jess :)))

jessicaaaa : i get a nickname now ? 😽

you : yeah but that's besides the pointttt

jessicaaaa : sooo , i thought you needed to sleep ? you're up again , and texted me for ?

you : something a little bit important

jessicaaaa : is it about the guy you like ?? ;)))

you : it's about someone i like

jessicaaaa : yessss , go on talk about him

you : the thing is , i don't think it's a him

jessicaaaa : wait , what do you mean ?

you : i think.. i like a girl

jessicaaaa : what ?

you : yeah it's a girl , not a boy

jessicaaaa : are you serious ?

you : i think so

jessicaaaa : send me a picture of herrrr , i wanna see how she looks like :)))


fuck , i couldn't send her a picture of her , could i ? she didn't seem like she liked me , so she'd probably never talk to me again if i sent her a picture of me .

or was she expecting me to send her a picture of her ? it couldn't be , though .

i'd need to send her a picture of some random girl that works at the same café , goddamit . that means i had to go to the café now , ugh .


you : okay hold up she's at my workplace , i'm on the way there

jessicaaaa : k

you : i'm here finallyyy :)))

jessicaaaa : send the picture

you : hereeeee

*image attached*

jessicaaaa : k

you : you okay ?

*message not delivered*

you : hey , r u okay ?

*message not delivered*

you : what's going on ? did your data cut off ?

*message not delivered*

you : i'm gonna call you

*call failed*

you : shit , so you did block me

*message not delivered*

you : i'm sorry

*message not delivered*

you : hey come back jess :(

*message not delivered*

jessica capshaw x caterina scorsone - accidentalWhere stories live. Discover now