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jessica's pov ->

some caterina girl who works at a donut shop : are you done shooting yet

you : um yes almost why

some caterina girl who works at a donut shop : wanna come over to my shop to get donuts ? we have some left

you : i've eaten already ://

some caterina girl who works at a donut shop : aw man , guess you won't be able to meet me :( sucks to be you

you : its not like you're like in a royal family or something

some caterina girl who works at a donut shop : oh well if you wanna miss out on 10 free donuts , sure

you : i hate you but i love donuts

some caterina girl who works at a donut shop : there's 9 left.. :)

you : ugh what's the shop name i'll tell my chauffeur to drive me right over

some caterina girl who works at a donut shop : bagels & donuts

you : no i mean the shop name not what you're selling , dummyyy

some caterina girl who works at a donut shop : yes dummy , its the name of the shop

you : oh oops okay then


no pov ->

" hey um caterina ? its jessica " she says , after pushing open the glass door to the donut shop . the bells ring as the door swings close .

caterina looks up to jessica and smiles . " oh hey , yeah these are yours " caterina hands jessica a big paper bag that's still warm and it smelt amazing .

" thanks , i'll enjoy them " jessica says , looking at caterina . she definitely thought caterina looked cute in her tiny apron . " bye , " they both say to each other and jessica walks right out , the bells on the door jingling like before .


caterina's pov ->

a really hot jessica that i gave free donuts to : they were amazingly good . who baked them ? and also they were warm , so thank you so much

you : admit it , i was right ! and also , i baked them

a really hot jessica that i gave free donuts to : oh :) you look really cute in your absolutely tiny apron btw

you : and you look cute in your blouse and jeans :)


a hot jessica that liked the donuts i baked : oh , shut up it's so basic

you : nah , i liked it

a hot jessica that liked the donuts i baked : okay , wanna meet for coffee tomorrow ? i don't have shooting to do

you : sure , and you should wear the same thing again , you look like super nice

a hot jessica that liked the donuts i baked : the coffee bean & tea , 2pm ? and also , your apron looks way cuter on you than my blouse and jeans look on me

you : ugh quit complimenting me


a super hot jessica that i'm meeting for coffee : blehhh , see you tomorrow

you : okay i'm gonna go back to study :)

a super hot jessica that i'm meeting for coffee : and for the record , you're hot

you : i'm not gay go away

a super hot jessica that i'm meeting for coffee : and i have a husband

you : byeeeeeee

a super hot jessica that i'm meeting for coffee : bye babygirl

jessica capshaw x caterina scorsone - accidentalWhere stories live. Discover now