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caterina's pov ->

you : i'm lost helppp jessicaaaa

a very cute jessica : where are you right now

you : the address you sent me , but i can't seem to find the place ://

a very cute jessica : you're in a carpark right ?

you : yeah , and i don't think it's here

a very cute jessica : just walk in towards the place where the lift lobbies at carparks usually are

you : okay..?

a very cute jessica : see anything ?

you : this place.. not a lift lobby ! its a set more gigantic than expected , i didn't know you guys filmed on set in a carpark

a very cute jessica : you never expected right ?


" heyyyyy , " i hear jessica's voice behind me , and i whirl around . " gosh , you scared me , " i tell her , and she merely sticks out her tongue . " ready to come see stuff around here ? " she asks , possibly more excited than i am .

" yeah , this place is sooo big , " i reply , amazed at the size . she walks on forward and stops at a place . i'm really wowed , and the set is so big . microphones and cameras are everywhere , some extremely famous actresses are around here practicing scripts , and i'm overwhelmed .

" you never said i would meet those famous actresses ! i didn't think you had such a major part in grey's anatomy ! " i shout - whisper . i didn't watch or know what grey's anatomy was , but i certainly knew these actors and actresses .

" i thought you lived under a rock , knowing you didn't watch grey's anatomy , so i didn't say they would be here . i didn't even know you knew them ! " she says , and leads me on forward .

" here , is our costume room . i play arizona robbins on the show , and this is what i wear ! wanna see ? " she asks , and i'm immediately curious .

i look at her , and say , " obviously ! if i came all the way here , of course i want to know what the famous actress jessica capshaw wears on the set of grey's anatomy ! " she smiles , amused and picks up a hanger .

" this would look nice on you , " she says , and i feel flattered . " you should try this on , " she continues , and i'm a little hesistant . " are you sure.. i'm allowed to try on your costumes ? " i ask , hoping she says yes , because i'm actually dying to try it . i'd always been a big fan of dressing up .

" sure , why not , " and i start taking my shirt off . i'm concentrated on taking my clothes off to wear , her scrubs and doctor's coat , but i can't help but notice she's staring . at my boobs ? i shifted uncomfortably , and she shakes her head and looks away .

" i'm sorry , " she whispers . i just solve it by pretending it didn't happen . i see her plumping her lips , and i whip around , wearing the scrubs and coat . " how do i look ? " i ask , and flip my hair back .

" you look , great , " she says , but then there's an awkward pause between us . " we should probably get going , " i start , and she quickly responds by saying , " yeah let's go . "

jessica capshaw x caterina scorsone - accidentalWhere stories live. Discover now