Chapter 18 ( Critical Condition)

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Avu was running but suddenly Abhi caught her and hugged her tight . She broke down in his embrace. Vaishu also hugged them.

Avu : bhai he doesn't love me. ( hiccuping)

Abhi : shhh choti shant , I will talk to him.

Avu : no bhai , we should not force him

Vaishu : but Avu , at least once we can ask him na !

Avu : no di for his happiness I am ready to sacrifice my love

Abhi : but he never said to us he loves her.

Avu : .....idk bhai , can I go to home I want to be alone for some time.

Abhi : but promise that you will not do anything stupid.

Avu : okay bhai , what if I don't get love from him , I have you all na I am happy .

She said this and went away to her home . In her home she locked herself in the room and was crying uncontrollably as she lost her first love. But somewhere she was not satisfied by the proposal like it was something planned not by heart.

In the college after proposal sid Roohi met abhiavi

Sid : dada where is Avi !

Abhi : why do you care ha ?

Sid : what do you mean !

Vaishu: it's nothing Sid , she was feeling unwell so she returned home .

Sid : omg how is she now ? Did she take medicine, I think I shd meet her.

Abhi : no need we are here to tak e care of her , you enjoy with your girlfriend.

Roohi : yeah baby , let's go on a date .

Sid : but

Roohi : sidd

Sid : okay !

Abhinavi were shocked because of Sid's behaviour but shrugged it off.

A few days passed like this Avi lost her smile, she was so sad seeing Sid and Roohi together. Abhi was slightly angry at Sid because he believed that Avi was suffering because of Sid . But Vaishu has some doubt on Roohi. Whereas Sid was now totally broken he was like robot always following Roohi's commands . He wanted t end his life than this torture.

One day Abhinavi and Avu are in canteen waiting for Sidroohi.

Abhi : when they will come , I am starving.

Vaishu : wait for some time .

After 10 minutes , Avu was getting bad vibes .

Avu : Bhai they did not come still now , i will go and call them.

Avu's PoV

I was going to call Sid and Roohi for lunch but I am continuously getting bad vibes like Sid is in some danger.When Sid accepted Roohi proposal I was heart broken , but I know I am getting doubt that does he really love her somebody forced him . It was like he was following all her commands , he became pale and had dark circles , he stopped hanging out with us and was always with books . Abhi bhai was also saying that he is again eating less. With all these thoughts I was moving in the corridor when I heard crying sounds from an empty classroom . I peeped into the window , but I saw next shocked me to the core. It was Sid crying and Roohi was there

Roohi : baby remove your shirt , we will have fun.

Sid : n..o..p..l..e..a..s..e

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