Chapter 9 ( Brothers Talk)

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Jaineet side

Jai : Di I wanted to ask you something

Avu : Yep Bro

Jai : woh...woh

Avu : Say fastt

Jai : I love reem

Avu : yayyy my bhabi is my soul sister. When are you proposing her?

Jai : Calm down di but will she accept

Avu : obviously yaar dumbo can't you see love in her eyes. She loves you a lot

Jai : But I nervous to propose her

Avu : You don't worry about anything you are sister is here right

Jai : Thank you di

Both of them hugged each other

Avu : (wiping fake tears) oh my god my brother is showing so much love today

Jai : shut up di and acha good night

Avu : good night baby brother

And ran away

Jai : diiiiiii (whinned)

After some time both of them drifted to sleep

At sid house

Now sid was little comfortable with abhi and stopped stammering in front of hom but somewhere he was scared of abhi due to morning incident of him shouting at abhi.

Now lets see what they both are doing

Sid : Dada will you say how you amd vaishu bhabi met

Abhi : (blushing) she is not your bhabi yet

Sid : ooooo blushing

Abhi : stop teasing yaar

Sid : Then say me na pls

Abhi : So in highschool I met on her first day of school she was very cute and bubbly like you . She was like a copy of you when you were a child . She is great in studies and all other activities to say beauty woh brains. We both were of same section and sat in the same bench. She introduced me to her group I mean reem and avneet who are like my sisters. Actually I did not have many friends so they became my best buddies and also you were not there with me. Many used to make fun of me because I used be with them but I did not bother it much . Slowly I started having feelings towards vaishnavi and reemneet helped to realise that I love her. But vaishu considered me as her bff only according to me. She used to talk about other boys in front which made me quite jealous. So on the graduation day of 12th I decided to propose her and she accepted it. She confessed that she loves from the begining but felt that I considered her as my bff. But thnxxx to reem and avneet because of them only I got love of life ......hufff!!..

Sid : oh my god its such a nice story. Its like a tale

Abhi : Leave about it you say did you love someone in the boarding or have any gf.

With this statement tears started flowing from sid's eyes . All the memories his past started and coming . He was trying move away from abhi to not show his weak self in front of him. But abhi got hold of him and wrapped in a brotherly hug and started to soothe him. After few mins

Abhi : See baby I am not forcing you tell it right , so don't be afraid or scared of me okay ??

Sid hummed in response

Abhi : Bacha speak okay and you always have my shoulder to cry on don't worry I will not judge

Sid : Thnxx bhai

Abhi : But sid if you want share anything you can share with me I can't see you like this. I want my old chote back the bubbly and chirpy one.

Sid : Bhai what wrong I did that maa sent me to boarding school ?? Am I that bad??

Abhi : Bacha its not like that I don't the reason but you are putr soul ??

Sid : Then where is maa?? Why she did not come to meet me

Abhi : she has work na sid

Sid : You know what bhai I was in the hostel all the time but now also work is important for her. (Tears were rolling down)

Abhi : She will be by two days you need to understand na bacha

Sid : What understand you were with mom so you will not understand my pain. All this years I was in the hostel how will you understand my pain . You know what every day they used to harras
me ....

He realised what he was speaking and stopped and was surprised how could he speak this much

Meanwhile abhi was hurt by his words but did not react because he recognised pain in his voice he wanted to sid to open up and finally he was

Abhi : What they harrassed you and continue

Sid : hmm nothing bhai....

Abhi cups his face

Abhi : see bacha you need to share with me or others it relieves you and your pain and you don't need to worry I will not judge you and your secrets will be safe with me.Pinky promise

Sid slightly chuckles through tears and says

Sid : Dada I am sorry for what I said before but I will say you when the right time comes.

Abhi : Np baby but remember you dada is always with you.

He said and hugged him . Both were in each other embrace and soon sid fell into sleep .


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