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TW! Abuse, cussing and attempted rape.
The entire Weasley family is in this too :) (their your brother in this one)

You were over at your boyfriend Bobby's house, you were waiting for Fred and George to come pick you up but you didn't tell Bobby you were leaving yet. (we're just naming him Bobby, he's not important. We hate him.) You noticed a hickey type thing on his neck and you knew that wasn't from you. "Who the hell is that hickey from?!" You questioned him

"Some girl it's not a big deal." He said like an idiot.

"SOME GIRL?! You fucking cheated on me?!" You screamed at him.


"NO! FUCK YOU! GO TO FUCKING H-" you were cut off my his hand grasping your throat. You tried so hard to get his hand off and he threw you down and hits you. He lost his cool even more and he continued to beat your face in. He stood up and hovered over you and unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down. He got on top of you and yanked your pants down too. You kicked him to get him off you and he punched you in the stomach and pinned your arms above your head to make it harder to move. There wasn't much you could do so at that point you just begged him to stop.

You heard a voice yell "GET THE HELL OFF HER!" You brother George yelled and pushed him off you. George got him down and hovered over him while beating him senselessly while Fred rushed over to you and you were balled in a corner sobbing with your eyes closed. Fred put a hand on your shoulder and you flinched and shook more "it's okay dear, it just me." He gave you your pants and you quickly slipped them back on and he picked you up and he took you out of the room. You sobbed into his chest while he tried to calm you down. George got off Bobby and he was pretty well unconscious, George got in his face and yelled "COME NEAR HER AGAIN AND I'LL BEAT YOU TO DEATH!"

George came back out and saw Fred holding you, he rubbed your shoulder "hey y/n are you okay now?" He asked calmly. You couldn't say anything. They took you home and your Mom (Molly) rushed up to you guys. "My goodness what happened to my sweet baby?!" She asked concerned. "Bobby hurt her." Fred said. "Take her to the couch Fred and stay with her, while I go get your father!" She rushed upstairs to go get your Dad (Arthur). Fred laid you on the couch and rubbed your head "It's alright kiddo. Me and George will fuck him up even worse if he tries anything with you again."

Suddenly your Mom and Dad were rushing downstairs and came to your side "y/n what happened?!" Your Dad asked concerned. You started crying all over again "Bobby hit me and he t-tried to-" and you couldn't finish the the sentence. Your Dad hugged you "well you're home now and if he does it again me and your brothers will make him one sorry S-O-B"

You heard Ginny, Ron and Percy come down too. "What's going on?" Ginny asked. "Y/n got hurt dear. Bobby hurt them." Your mom told her. "Bloody Hell y/n! I told you he wasn't good for you." Ron said. "I'm surprised he even stayed loyal." Percy added. You got a strange look on your face when he said that. George looked livid! "He cheated on you too?!" George yelled. "Georgie calm down please! Your scaring y/n" your Mom said. "Ginny dear go get some ice from the freezer please." Mom told her. "Yes mom." Ginny said. She Grabbed some ice and wrapped it and Fred took it and put it on one of the bruises on your cheek. "Okay maybe we should get her to bed." Your Dad mentioned. Fred picked you back up and on the way upstairs he asked "would you like to sleep in our room with me and George?"

You nodded your head so he took you in there and placed you on his bed. He lays down next to you and you move closer to him and sulk. "What's wrong kid?" Fred asked. "It hurts Freddie." You continued sobbing. He kissed your forehead and put his arms around you "I know it does. You're safe now." You fell asleep in his arms. George came up later and Fred look up at him and whispered "she's asleep. Get in on the other side." He crawled on the other side of you and kissed the back of your head. You were so lucky to have them as your brothers.

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