First touch🧡

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No TW! (George is your boyfriend)

You and George have been dating for a three months but you've never kissed yet. You're always pretty shy so you could never bring it up and he didn't want to ask because he didn't know what you'd say. You guys always kissed each other on the cheek or forehead but never a real kiss on the lips. You guys also cuddle quite a bit.

You and him were supposed to hang out later today at the burrow. You went over there and like always, Molly greeted you with a warm hug. "Hello y/n dear!" Molly said

"Hi Molly! Is George here?" You asked her

"Yes! He's right upstairs!" She said pointing up.

"Okay thank you!" You walked upstairs

You opened his door "Hi Georgie." You said softly

"Hey beautiful." He said. He stood up and kissed your forehead and then hugged you. After that he picked you up and threw you on his bed and flopped down right next to you. He cuddled you making you feel warm. "Hey y/n?" He said grabbing your attention.

You flipped on your other side to face him "yes Georgie?"

He kissed you a little on the lips, just a peck. You didn't know what to say

"I should've asked you... God I'm so stupid. I'm sor-" you cut him off and kissed him back. It was a much longer kiss than the one he gave you. You broke it up and he smiled "you didn't mind it then?" He asked

"No. I wanted to do it for a while but I was too scared to ask." You told him.

"Well in that case..." he planted your entire face with kisses and worked his way back to your lips as you laughed a little. You continued cuddling and every now and then he you peck your lips leaving you smiling and blushing.

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