Before you go🧡

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A/n: hey besties I'm back, here's a new one to add to the Weasley twins! Hope you enjoy!! (Fred is your boyfriend)

TW! Attempted suicide and bullying

It was just another one of those days, Malfoy and his friends were bullying you and Hermione. Hermione never let it bother her but it always bothered you. You could never tell Fred about it though and you made Hermione swear not to say anything either. If he found out he could end up doing something incredibly stupid. You ran through the halls passing Fred on the way and ran to the bathroom. He noticed and went after you.

He had finally caught up to you and stopped you "what's wrong love?" He asked.

"Nothing just a bad day" you said.

"What happened?"

"NOTHING FRED! OKAY?!" You yelled at him.

"Okay okay. But if you wanna talk later let me know, okay?"

"Okay Freddie..."

He kisses your forehead and you depart and head to your next class. You sit in class thinking... what if you were to end it? Is it worth it? Would anyone care? These thoughts rattled in your mind. After class let out you headed to the astronomy tower, you sat on the edge thinking, the more you thought the more you didn't want your life anymore. Tears started streaming from your eyes.

While you were crying Fred was looking everywhere for you, he found Hermione "Hey Mione? Have you seen y/n?" He asked

"No I haven't... why?" She wondered.

"She seemed upset earlier and I can't find her."

Hermione looked guilty "Oh"

"Hermione..." Fred said suspicious.


"What are you keeping from me?"

"Y/n made me promise but she's been getting bullied by Malfoy and his friends but she didn't want you finding out an-" Fred cut her off.

"Do you know where she could've gone?" He asked panicked.

"Check the astronomy tower." Hermione said.

Fred rushed to the tower and you were standing on the edge "y/n?...." He said trying not to sound panicked.

"Fred why are you here?" You asked crying.

"Because I'm worried about you and it looks like I had a right to be."

"Please just leave."

"I can't do that y/n.... Hermione told me."


"She told me about Draco and I just wanna help you."

"You can't." You were sobbing at this point.

"I can make sure he doesn't bother you again! Please just get down... please..." he was holding back his tears.

You put one foot out and he runs to you and grabs you by the waist before you fall, you screamed. You both fell backwards onto the ground safely. He held you tight as you both cried, "I told you, you could tell me anything and I meant it y/n"

You continued crying and he held you close to him, he kissed your head and rubbed you back. You guys stayed there for hours and you eventually vented and told him so much, he didn't say anything he just listened.

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