Chapter 2: Doubts

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Tikki tugs at Marinette's hair. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Marinette groans and rolls over, "Five more minutes..."

"Marinette! It was five more minutes ten minutes ago!"

Sabine calls from downstairs, "Marinette? Are you almost ready for school?"

Marinette jolts up and looks at the clock. "It's so late Tikki! Why didn't you wake me up sooner!?" She stumbles out of bed and starts getting dressed.

Tikki is used to this comment by now, she just laughs. "Believe me, I tried."

Marinette ties her second pigtail as she runs downstairs. Sabine tosses her an umbrella on her way out the door. "What are we going to do with that girl, Tom?" she teases.

Marinette lands in her seat right as the bell rings. "Good Morning, Students." Miss Bustier begins class. "Let's start with our morning compliments."

At lunch time Marinette joins Alya, Adrien, and Nino.

"Hey Marinette, I don't think I ever thanked you after the banner you made for me in New York." Adrien tries to strike up a conversation.

"Oh well yeah, the whole class did it not just me you know- and it was fun to do for a friend-" She giggles.

Adrien can't figure out why she's stammering again. "Well it was your idea, so thank you."

Marinette doesn't want to risk stuttering again so she just smiles.

Adrien is puzzled by her behavior. Why does he make her so nervous? He never thought of himself as intimidating.


That evening Marinette is working on her homework when she hears a knock on her balcony trapdoor. She gets up and opens the trapdoor, revealing Chat Noir soaked in rain water. She giggles at the sight of him perched awkwardly in the rain. "Come on in Chat Noir."

She leans back on her pillow but Chat Noir looks out of place sitting up at the end of her bed. It's like he's scared to touch anything. For a moment the only noise is rain hitting the trapdoor above them. "Sorry I'm soaked, Marinette."

"It's okay, you can sit back here with me ya know?" She scoots over and pats the space next to her. Chat Noir hesitantly places himself beside Marinette. "I thought the rain might scare you away. I didn't think cats like water," she teases.

Chat Noir plays along. "I thought I could face my fears to come and see how you were holding up."

"How brave." Marinette says sarcastically and flicks his bell. Chat Noir doesn't know what to do with himself. Why is Marinette acting so- Chat Noir like? He laughs, a little flustered.

"Are you this bold at school too?" He plants the question.

Marinette thinks for a moment. She's so comfortable with Chat Noir, they've been through a lot together. She can't tell him that though. "Um- no not really..."

Chat Noir leans close to her face, hoping to fluster an honest answer out of her, "And why is that?"

Marinette laughs and pushes him away. "I guess I don't care what you think of me Chat. I mean- it's not like you know my classmates or anything."

"She's so clueless," he thinks to himself and smiles. Speaking of classmates... "So, any progress on your boyfriends?" he teases.

Marinette scoffs. "No. None at all. What about your girlfriends?"

"I haven't seen either of them since New York actually, but Ladybug and I have patrol tomorrow."

"You don't go to school with the girl you're trying to pursue?" Marinette can't help but be curious.

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