Chapter 7: Final Battle

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"Kitty," she sighs, "You scared me."

"May I have this dance?" Chat Noir bows dramatically and holds out his hand for her to take. He leads her to the middle of the floor and they begin swaying to the beat. His arms hold her waist, and hers fall around his neck.

"I told you, you'd find me." She playfully winks at him.

"You're never wrong," he grins.

"Chat, your hair is so much shorter. Did you cut it?" She brushes his bangs to the side gently.

"No, Plagg changes my hair when I transform."

"I see." She gazes into his eyes, "I didn't know your eyes would still be green in civilian form. The cat miraculous changed mine when I used it."

"I guess Fu gave me the right miraculous then."

"You're right. I couldn't have asked for a better partner." Marientte leans her head on his chest and they dance in silence for the next few minutes.

Chat Noir enjoys his time with Ladybug, but now his heart beats for Marinette.

The two are interrupted by gasps in the crowd. They turn and see a villain standing before them. "Hello Ladybug and Chat Noir." Viper grins and touches his phone to them. They're absorbed into it and the room panics.

"Good Viper, now bring them to me."

"Yes Hawkmoth."

Viper struts out of the dance and walks to Hawkmoth's layer. Once inside, he launches the heroes out his phone with a swipe of the finger. They fall to the ground. Hawkmoth stands before them. "Aww Did you two get all dressed up to see me?" Hawkmoth laughs at his own joke.

"Tikki spots on!"

"Plagg claws out!"

"You're trapped now, give me your miraculous."

"Never! Lucky charm!"

A bar of soap falls into Ladybugs hand. She looks around to see how to use it. There's nothing in the room but swarms of butterflies. She's quick to find a solution and manages to dodge Hawkmoth's staff.

"You shouldn't have done that, Ladybug! Now it's only a matter of time before you transform back and give me your miraculous!"

Viper charges at Chat Noir and Ladybug throws her lucky charm. It catches under Viper's foot and he slips, tossing his phone into the air. Chat Noir grabs it and smashes it to the ground. Ladybug is quick to capture the akuma in her yoyo and free it with the other butterflies.

Chat Noir starts combat with Hawkmoth. "I'm sorry to ask you this Luka. You need to help Chat Noir and I right now." Ladybug opens her yoyo and pulls out the snake miraculous. Luka looks at Chat Noir then at Ladybug. "It's for Paris."

Luka nods and puts on the bracelet. "Sass scales slither. Second chance."

Viperion activates his special power, now he has the chance to go back as many times as he wants in the next five minutes.

All three heroes charge at Hawkmoth in an effort to take his broach. Hawkmoth deflects Ladybug with his staff and grabs Chat Noir with his other arm. He reaches for his ring. "Second chance."

This time Viperion warns them, 'Wait! Attack at the same time."

Ladybug and Chat Noir charge at Hawkmoth again, this time Hawkmoth deflects Ladybug with his staff but can't do the same to Chat Noir. Chat extends his pole and slides under Hawkmoth's legs, tripping him. Viperion lunges at Hawkmoth for his broach but he's not fast enough. Hawkmoth grabs his arms and slides off his bracelet, detransforming Luka. He throws him aside and he's knocked unconscious.

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