Chapter 1.6

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Keigo fell asleep with Izuku in his arms.


For the first time in a long time, Izuku woke up with a feeling of restful sleep.

Slowly he opened his eyes. When he raised his hand to rub the sleep out of them he realized he couldn't move. For the split of a second he panicked, thinking the Hero Commission had started one of their secret kidnap training lessons. They were rather rare. He only had to endure them a handful of times. But still, he feared the days he'd wake up just to find himself be tied up to a chair. Sometimes they had even got someone to play the kidnapper. Those had been the worst times.

His breath hitched in his throat. His chest tightened. He practically felt the cold metal of the chair on his back.

Cold metal ...?

There was nothing cold behind behind him. In fact, it was rather comforting and warm.

He lifted his gaze staring straight at the current No. 2 Hero, holding him in a tight embrace.

His heart rate slowed back down and he relaxed a bit. So it was no dream, after all. He let out a little breath of relief, but even though it was way better than being tied up to a chair, the contact made him feel uncomfortable.

Not because it was too warm. Not because he was in an incommodious position. But simply because it felt foreign and weird to be in such proximity to another human.

Izuku struggled to escape Keigo's grip, just to realize it was a futile attempt. So he gave up and accepted his fate.

It took Keigo a whole twenty-five minutes to finally wake up. Izuku had become slightly impatient, by now, trying not to make too much contact.

Emerald eyes locked with the golden ones of Hawks. "Could you please let go of me, Keigo." His voice as monotone as ever.

He could see a slight blush of embarrassment on the former man's cheeks. "Sure, sorry." Izuku could feel that the man loosened his grip, so that Izuku could get up.

"You may put on some new clothes. In the meanwhile I'm gonna make some pancakes," Hawks said in a rough morning voice.

Izuku nodded and went to his room. After putting on a white hoodie and black sweatpants, he sat down on his bed and decided to hear some music until Keigo finished the breakfast.

Keigo on the other hand, slowly stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen. He started to question his decision to make pancakes taken the fact he didn't even know how to cook. He never had the need to learn it, so he never did. His whole life he had been cooked for and after he had left the Hero Commission he just bought instant food. No big deal.

So he did what every responsible adult would do in a situation like this; he pulled out his phone and looked up a tutorial of how to make pancakes.

First, he went to the fridge and looked for ingredients. Milk, where is the goddamn milk. He looked up and down until he saw the milk, grabbing it and put it to the rest of the ingredients.

Second step, find a bowl, a mixer and a pan. He already started to struggle and he didn't even started cooking yet. He searched for a few minutes, until he had everything he needed.

Okay, now, I just have to mix everything together. That should be easy, right? And that's where everything went downhill. First, eggshells fell into his dough, then he forgot to close the mixer and dough was all over the kitchen and when he finally got an acceptable dough, he dropped it and he had to start all over again.

Damn. Okay, it's apparently harder than it looks like. But we get there. Just baby steps. For Izuku. You got that. You are a No. 2 Pro Hero.

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