TheGentleman and Mr Cheese: Mirror

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A/n: Please forgive me for my last attempt at this ship. Like I said, I wanted to make a second one so I could try to redeem myself. Emphasis on "try." I still kinda dislike this one. Now, the reason I suck at this ship is because... Well- I don't ship it- DON'T COME AFTER ME!! I have enough to deal with right now.


TheGentleman's POV:

You know those horror movies that if you take a moment to think about it, they make no logical sense? And then it's hard to anything seriously after that?

I like them.

I like them because they aren't as scary, being a little less realistic and more fictional. Then again, everything is fictional, but the point still stands.

But I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say things that appear in horror movies, SHOULD STAY IN HORROR MOVIES!

ESPECIALLY now, when I'm just in the corner, trembling in fear, as a haunting voice repeats three words in my head.

I couldn't tell what they were because the voice was hoarse and it was slurred, but I do know that it was three, very different words.

Mr Cheese's body shook violently from crying so much from fear and hugged me tightly, digging his fingers into my arm.

"G-Gentleman I-I'm scared." He whimpered, clutching me harder.

"Shhh, it's okay, Mr Cheese." I coo, patting his head in a comforting way. "It'll be okay."

"N-no it w-won't."

More whispers filled the room. Dark, menacing ones.

I don't really know how or why, but me and Mr Cheese are both experiencing the same creepy haunting.


Flickering lights.

Objects moving.

Cold whisps of air.

And the worse part is that no one else could even help because we are the only ones who know about it.

We are the only ones who hear it.

I stood up stiffly, looking down on Mr Cheese. "I'll be right back, okay?"

He grabbed my arm, begging me to stay. "PLEASE~ Don't leave..."

I knelt down to his height. "You'll be okay." And, before he could say more, I spun around on my heel and waltzed out the door, pushing open the door to the bathroom.

I didn't really have any reason to be here. I just wanted to be alone for a second.

Taking a breather for a few seconds, I looked at my reflection and looked into my reflection's eyes, staring at them.

Of course, he did everything I did.

It's my reflection.

That's what it does.

Snapping my gaze away from me, I ran the tap a bit and splashed some cold water on my face. My eyes wandered over my reflection again and I rested my hands on the counter, leaning on it.


...It blinked.

But I hadn't moved my eyes.

Let alone blink.

My body instinctively threw itself backward, scared of what I just saw.

But my reflection did the same.

Huh. Maybe I just imagined it.

...Yeah, I must've. Reflections don't blink by themselves.


I picked myself off the floor and again and took a closer look at my reflection.

Of course, it did the same.

Must've imagined things.

"Who are you?" I asked it. Just to make sure.

"Not who you think." It replied.

I wasn't expecting an answer and this time I actually fell backward.

The me in the mirror had a smug grin on his face, his eyes staring back at me intensely. A cackle tumbles out of his mouth.

"Wow, what a wuss." He says.

My breath shortened and I clawed at the door when I heard a knocking on the other side.

"Gentleman? Gentleman, are you okay? I heard some... Sounds... From here..." My boyfriend's voice calls from the other side of the door.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine!" I confirm. To be honest, I wouldn't believe myself if I heard my voice through the door. It sounded shaky and uncertain.

"...You sure..?"

Mirror me replies before I can. "Of course! I'll see you in a moment." He imitated my voice perfectly.

Then, mirror me just...


He simply warped back into just my reflection. My reflection was cowering on the floor like I was, laying there.

At a snail's speed, I stood back up, inspecting my reflection again.


I stood there for a few seconds longer with my shaking hands, staring endlessly into the mirror.

I... I must've gone crazy...

Trying my hardest to steady my hands, I turned the doorknob and walked back into me and my precious Mr Cheese's room.

When he noticed my terrified face, a worried sparkle made its way into his fiery orange orbs.

"Are you okay?" He got on his knees and looked up at me. "You seem... Shaken."

"I-I think I just saw my reflection blink."

He laughed nervously. "This is fine." He stated sarcastically. "Just fine."

"No, it's not. And you know it." A voice said.

But it wasn't from Mr Cheese.

It sounded like it was coming from behind me.

I turned my head slowly, not really knowing what might meet me.

And all I saw was the reflection of me in the mirror, but standing in the door frame, staring at me.

I heard Mr Cheese scream from terror and he threw himself onto the bed, hiding under the covers like a child.

I, on the other hand, was in clear view of whatever that was, and it leaped up onto me and tackled me to the floor, pinning my hands above my head.

My breath shortened as it pulled out its knife, forcing my head up with its blade.

And in one swift movement, ran me through.


A/n: Not me, being mad at myself for not posting on time again- ARGH I set up a different schedule for a REASON, and I can't even follow it. Kill me.

Yep, I think it's official: I, ASRC, CANNOT write a GentleCheese fic. No matter how hard I try, nothing good pops into my head. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, if someone tells me an idea, I could write one. Whether that be good or bad is up to you.

Apologies for being late. A G A I N .

Words: 1043 (Bit shorter than usual)


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