Not-Orange and Blue: Stars in Your Eyes

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A/n: I shipped this from the moment I saw AUL 13.


Not-Orange's POV:

It was like any other day on the Skeld, with the crew doing tasks and the Impostors trying to kill us all. I was a crewmate this time, and for the record, I WASN'T CHEATING!!! After hearing what happened to Player after he cheated, me and Blue were so scared that that might happen to us that we decided to play by the rules. I march into Electrical with my head held high and confidently Divert Power to Navigation. I waltz out and turn to the left toward Lower Engine when I collide with Blue.

"Oof. S-Sorry!" I quickly apologize, all of the confidence I had moments ago going straight out of my feet. Blue chuckles and picks himself up again, brushing himself off in the process.

"Ah, it's okay. Didn't hurt anyway." I was still on the floor so he holds out his hand for me to take. Being painfully aware of my blushing face, I sheepishly take his hand.

"You okay?" He asks me, worried.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine. Sorry for running into you."

"Nah don't worry about it. Also, I'm pretty sure I ran into you because I wasn't looking where I was going."

I shrug. "Agreed to disagree." Then he gives me a friendly shove and walks off, smirking. I noticed that the doors had closed during the duration of time we were mucking about. I decided to let Blue figure it out for himself that the doors were closed, but it was hard to keep a straight face when Blue kept walking toward the door.


I can't contain my laughter any longer and burst out laughing. Blue looks unamused. "You knew that would happen, didn't you?"

"Of course I did! And that's exactly why I didn't tell you!" I manage to fit that in between laughs. Blue rolls his eyes and smiles, happy to see me laugh.

He grabs my head and messes up my hair with his fist. "I'll get you for that."

"Hey!" I playfully punch him in the shoulder. Blue adjusts his Viking horns and then makes his way down the hallway again, this time making sure he didn't bump into anything else. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at him leaving me. I realized my extra spaceman helmet was on the floor so I quickly plucked it off the ground and brushed it off a bit before positioning it upon my head again.

I check my tablet and I have Download Data in Cafeteria, Accept Diverted Power in Navigation, Fix Wiring in Storage, and Empty Chute in O2. I sigh and make my way over to Storage to do my wires. I quickly fix them and fix them again near Admin. Last one in Security. I'll go there later. I walk up to Cafeteria and Download Data and start to walk over to Navigation through Weapons when I notice Player doing asteroids. I catch his eye and wink, showing him I know he's innocent. The red crewmate smiles and gets back to work clearing them out. I continue my way down to Navigation to accept the power. I tap the button in the middle and then turn around to leave when I noticed Blue run past the hallway. I stuck my head around the corner and was just in time to see him walk into yet another wall while checking his tablet for tasks. He grunts and holds his head, an annoyed expression plastered across his features. I silently laugh to myself, amused by his clumsiness. Blue heard me and turned around to see me giggling. "Really? Again?"

"What? Your lack of coordination is hilarious." I tell him, laughing harder than before. Blue smiles slyly and tackles me to the floor, holding my hands above my head. At this point I was wheezing, practically dying from laughter.

"Stop giggling or I'll do something else." He tells me jokingly. I playfully shook my head when the lights went down and I was plunged into darkness. I could still feel Blue holding me down from the heat radiating off of his body and the obvious one, that he was sitting on top of me. Then he clambered off of me but keeps a firm grip on one of my hands so he doesn't lose me in the dark. I got nervous when I lost his touch and started to sweat a bit. I was always afraid of the dark, even as a small child. Then again, most kids are afraid of the dark, but the point still stands. I'm only afraid of complete and total darkness though, I love starry nights. After a couple of seconds of me searching with my hands for Blue, I decide to use my voice. "B-Blue? Are you there?"

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