Player and Captain: Do You Love Me or Not?

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A/n: For the sake of the story, let's say that the story takes place after Among Us Logic 11, aka the Christmas one.


Player's POV:

Picture this. It's a peaceful, starry Christmas night with the snow slowly falling onto the ground, dusting the world a beautiful white. A small fire crackles in the fireplace while everyone is sleeping peacefully. Everyone but you. While most people had all the normal things on their Christmas list, you wanted something totally different. Something strange.


Polus is a beautiful place, especially around Christmas time. When they're lights at every corner and decorations around every building. All the halls, rooms, and corridors were decorated to the max, lights hanging from each of them. But today, it was near impossible to see the Christmas lights through the snowstorm that had moved in yesterday. A sandy-coloured scarf was wrapped around my neck as I trudged through the snow. I was searching for Captain since he went missing in the snowstorm a few hours ago. It was especially hard since his colour was white. I saw a flash of yellow and found Veteran huddling in the snow. He looked like he had frozen in the cold. I cried out for help and sank into the snow next to him, but my cry for help was swept away by the wind. The bitter cold of the snow pierced through my suit and bit my skin and I knew that if I stayed here for too long, I would freeze myself. I hugged Veteran's cold body close to mine and tried to give him heat, but instead, I was just getting colder. He groaned and turned his head to face me.

"Pla-Player? Is that you?" He says weakly. It was barely audible through the howling wind and the cold.

"Yes, yes, I'm here, Veteran. I'm here." I say, relieved he was okay.

"D-Did we find him?" He asks me. I shook my head.

"No, not yet. I'm getting scared that he might have frozen to death. In this cold, that's very possible. C'mon, let's get you into Admin to warm you up." I picked him up and walked to the best of my ability back to Office.

I yanked the doors closed behind us and set Veteran down in the warm Admin room. I found a blanket in here and wrapped it around his shoulders. I looked at him squarely. "I'll be back soon, okay? Stay safe." He sniffles and nods. I hugged him to keep him warm, resting my head on his shoulder.

After letting go again, I made my way over to the doors and entered into the blizzard, preparing to freeze my butt off again. I was actually starting to get really worried for Captain. He's been really sad these past few days, not his normal, happy, bouncy self. He looked like he'd been deeply hurt by someone he cared about a lot.

Maybe the reason he hadn't returned yet was that he had... You know... I've actually really started to like Captain. He's so wholesome and sweet and too nice for his own good. That's just a small bit of who he is, he's so much more.

I heard the sparking from the Electrical system and tried to map out my route in my head. If I left through the doors near Vitals in Office, and I ended up here, then that means I must have gone left and kept going for a bit, then went upwards toward Dropship.

If Electrical is here, then that means Dropship is over here!

I ran blindly through the blanket of snow until I heard the sound of hollow metal under my feet. It was a little easier to see in here than it was out there, but it was a LOT colder.

I squinted my eyes and saw a shape in the corner of the ship. Getting closer I saw that it was the colour white.

My heart stopped.

It was Captain all right, but he was completely frozen in the cold Dropship. I dropped to my knees and slid next to him thanks to the thin sheet of ice that had welded itself to the metal.

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