Mr Egg and Blue: Problems

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A/n: So, I actually kinda sorta ship this. SORT of. Nah, it's really cute. 🙃

Requested by: IDrinkPastaForALivin


Blue's POV:

You know the lobby with Player in it, yeah? Now they've accepted me into it so I play there often now. But throughout the time I've been playing here, I've noticed a certain clad in pink who sometimes joins the lobby only to leave the lobby soon after, looking sad and lonely. I saw him join again and wanted to know what his name was. I found Player and asked him. "Hey, uhm, what's his name?" I said, pointing to the pink fella. Player looks over to where I'm pointing.

"Who, that guy? Oh, he's Mr Egg." He replies, shrugging it off. The pink guy --Mr Egg-- is sitting on one of the seats (or, should I say, half sitting half lying) with his arms crossed and looking down. I think I stared at him for a bit too long because he started to shift uncomfortably. I shook my head and focused my attention on something else, but my eyes kept wandering over to his figure. He sighs and stands up, walking over to the computer. After scrolling through a couple of things he decides that his pink outfit is fine and pads off again. I look towards TheGentleman and he nods, starting the game.


My teammate was Mr Egg. I snuck a look at him. He looks at his role and slouches his shoulders, sighing. We spawn in the Launchpad soon after and everyone runs down the hall except for me, Mr Egg, and Player. Player was Running Diagnostics and was very impatiently waiting for it to end. He eventually gave up and threw his hands up in the air, running down the hall. Mr Egg was still here, but now he was in a corner, all curled up. He sounded like he was sobbing. Me, being so nice, wanted to know what was wrong. I walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder. He shook me off and shrunk away from me. Sitting next to him, I rub his shoulder comfortingly. This time, he doesn't shrink away from me.

"Hey... Do you wanna talk about it...?" I say quietly. His body shook.

"J-just go away...." He tells me quietly.

"If you say so...." I respond, sanding up. I start to walk toward Medbay but then decide to stay with him. "Mr Egg, that's your name, right?" He nods. "Mr Egg, we need to work together." He looks at me and frowns, tears running down his face.

"I-I want to be alone right now." He says quietly. "I'll join you soon. Give me space."

I give him a small smile. "If you want to talk about it, I'm here, okay?" This is that one time where I can feel vulnerable.

I normally hate showing my weaker side, the side of me that is caring and soft, but if it's around other people that are equally vulnerable, then I will show it. But only for a little while. I don't want to get emotionally hurt anymore, that's why I'm cagey about myself.

I think the only one who knows about my soft side is Not-Orange since he's my best friend. He says I'm soft and sweet at heart, but I keep denying it. I'd prefer to be seen as the tough guy, not the sensitive one. Even though I am actually very sensitive.

When I was young, I was made fun of for crying easily and getting sad quickly while worrying for so long about a certain thing. So, I put on a mask to hide my actual self and was never made fun of again. Not-Orange is right, I am very soft and sensitive.

I snap out the madness in my mind and walk out. But my mind kept wandering over to Mr Egg and I didn't know why. I saw that Mr Cheese and TheGentleman went into the Locker Room together, and thought this was a perfect opportunity to break the lights and vent and kill one of them. And so, lights go down, I jump in a vent, slice one of them in half, and hop in a vent again. I vent next to Mr Egg again, scaring him a bit.

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