Chapter 12

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Jake's POV

The colours of the river blended together and now reflected the scene of a galleon. I immediately felt a sense of deja vu.

"So Pan brought more guests here, Aye?"  A pirate, clad in a grand red coat, twirled his moustache with his hook. "Aye Cap'n" His crew responded. His dark eyes followed the children as he saw them flying above his ship. He scratched his chin with his pointy hook, "I have a brilliant plan..." he smirked.

It was the Jolly Roger. She looked more grand at that time. Perhaps, that's the reason why I felt deja vu.

Scully's POV

At night, Captain Hook's crew had somehow managed to kidnap Jake from the Hangman's Tree. He struggled to free himself, but it was of no use. His hands were tied back to a mast. "Who are you? Why did you bring me here?" He probably didn't have any idea about who the Captain was, since it was his very first day in Neverland. "Calm down boy, I'll not hurt ye. I am Captain Hook." Hook said in his evil, yet polite way. "Cap'n says that he'd use you against Pan..." Before Mr. Smee could finish, he got smacked on his head by the captain. "I just thought that you'd enjoy here more." Captain Hook said.

"No! I want to go back" Jake protested.

"Listen Brat. You better follow what I say, or else... you won't see your friends again" Hook threatened.

"B-but I..."


Hook's voice sounded like a thunder. His men grew terrified. Jake had no way but to accept Hook's orders. He closed his eyes and nodded in defeat.

"Good" Hook smirked. "Swear that you'd always be loyal to ye captain."

"I... I'd always be loyal to my Captain" Jake gave his word.

"What's ye name, boy?"


"Welcome aboard, Jake"

From the very next day, Captain Hook started to train Jake, while Peter and the lost boys searched for him in the whole Neverland. At last, Peter came to the Jolly Roger looking for him, but he ended up in defeat. "I ask you one last time, ol' Codfish! Where is Jake?" Peter yelled at Hook before leaving. "I said I don't know!" Hook was clever enough to hide Jake beyond the reach of Peter. 

As days went by, Hook continued to train his bait. On the other hand, Peter and others continued their search for Jake. After 8 days of searching, Peter finally found Jake in the Jolly Roger and brought him back to his hideout after fighting a small battle with Hook.

Jake's POV

I had a weird feeling in my stomach after knowing the truth of my pirate training. I couldn't believe the fact that I, was trained by Hook! "Erm Jake," Cubby spoke "is that why you act nice to Captain Hook, and taught us to be nice to him too?" Cubby, Scully, and even Izzy were starring at me. "Maybe" I shrugged.

Author's note: So this explains why Jake and his crew are in good terms with Captain Hook. 

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