Chapter 7

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Izzy's POV

"Jake, please wake up... please" I buried my face in his chest and cried. Cubby and Scully were crying too. "It's all my fault," I sobbed, "If hadn't persisted to come here, then all of these wouldn't have happened at all. It's my fault!" "No Izzy, stop blaming yourself!" Scully said as a tear dropped from his eyes. "Then what else can I do?!" I cried.

"Calm down my dear,  there's still a ray of hope." The fairy said. "Since Jake broke my curse, I can save him as a gesture of giving him thanks". I looked up and wiped my tears. "Please give me some time" She said, and flew off.

Jake's body was slowly turning blue because of the poison's effect. I was rubbing his hands to keep them warm. "Please Jake, I'm incomplete without you, our... crew is incomplete without you..." I whispered as I sobbed quietly. "You okay, Izz?" Cubby asked in a soft, low voice. "I'm not, Cubby. I cannot be okay without him" I said, "I... I could not even tell him my feelings..." My voice cracked in the end. At this, both Cubby and Scully looked shocked. But then, Cubby sat beside me and hugged me. He's such a sweet little brother of mine! Scully too sat near me and we cried together.

After a few minutes, the fairy flew in with something that looked like a leafwrap in her hands. It glowed from inside. "I'm sorry for taking so long. I had to go to Pixie Hollow to get this" She said. She opened the leaf wrap and revealed a sparkly, pink coloured dust in it. "What is this?" Scully asked. The fairy replied, "This is the Pink Pixie Dust. It has the ability to detoxify fairies and humans." "Pink Pixie Dust?" I gasped. "Yes! In fact there are many kinds of pixie dusts; blue pixie dust, green pixie dust, purple pixie dust, and lots more. They all have different properties" The fairy exclaimed. "The most common of them all is the Golden pixie dust, which can make us and humans fly. Even you have it, right? Haha! I got to knew about this from Tinkerbelle. You know, all the other dusts are synthesised from Golden pixie dust only, with the help of alchemy." I was astonished. "Wow, so you fairies are alchemists as well?" Cubby queried her. "Not all dear, but some of us are!" She answered. 

"I hope this works on Jake" She carefully sprinkled the Pink Pixie Dust all over Jake's body, in definite and calculated proportions. Initially, nothing seemed to be happening. But, after a few moments, Jake's body slowly started to return to it's original colour. I was still holding one of his hands, and it was slowly getting warm. I also felt his pulse return on his wrist. I was now crying happy tears. "Thank you soo much dear!" I thanked the Fairy. "It was my duty Izzy" She smiled.

His chest was now slowly rising and falling, indicating that his breath had returned too. "Jake!" I, Cubby and Scully exclaimed, expecting him to open his eyes. But, eyes were still shut. "Jake, wake up. You've slept enough." Cubby said as we shook him. Still, he did not show any movement. "Aww coconuts! Why isn't he waking up?" Cubby's face clouded over again. "Sorry Cubby, alchemy can only cure physical symptoms. This was all I could offer as help. Don't worry, he is alive, and is out of danger now. But, only an act of true love can wake him up." With that said, the Fairy left.

"Crackers! True love of Jake!" Scully squaked. "Hmmm..... who could it be" I thought. Cubby and Scully exchanged quick glances, and then they stared at me. "Why are you too looking at me like this?" I asked, confused. "Because you are the one, Izz, who can save Jake!" Cubby exclaimed.  "What?!"


"But... but what if he doesn't like me back..." I stared down and started playing with my pixie dust pouch to avoid their gazes. "You can at least try" Cubby said. "Please Izzy, for us, for Jake, and for you" they both said. "O...kay" I sighed. I felt butterflies in my stomach but at the same time, I also felt nervous. "But mateys," I asked, confused, "what should I do?" Cubby and Scully just shrugged. Now, I'll have to figure it out myself, the meaning of "an act of true love"....

Author's note: Will Izzy be successful in bringing Jake back to life? Stay tuned:)

(Also, perhaps I'll start with their pasts, one by one, in the next chapter. Please share your ideas and suggestions on what their pasts would had been like... it would be really helpful for me:)

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