:: one hundred fourteen ::

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his eyes widened at her words turning to bury his face in the screen of his phone to avoid the many questions she had dug up inside of him. he pretended to busy himself on instagram but his sister stared at him with a tormenting smirk, knowing all too well the internal whirlwind his mom had sent him into.

thankfully his mom changed the subject to pull the attention off of him, but his calm had been short lived when a new notification pinged at the top of his screen. he held his breath as he read the words scared that if he had still been breathing normally he'd begin to hyperventilate. he knew what the message said the moment it appeared but that didn't stop him from reading it over again in his brain until he was ready to act upon what it would mean.

he stood from the couch slowly, and naturally his sister turned to him expressing concern, not in words but in the way she stared at his starstruck expression. he felt the words he wanted to say waver in his mind before they even reached his lips. "george just asked me to come over." his hand ran through his hair and he bit on his lips to push back a smile before he let out a happy sigh.

when the screen in his hands turned off he looked up to see his sister's face had lit up as fast as his had. "what are you waiting for? go." his sister playfully punched his leg to push him in the direction of the door.

the blonde had been experiencing such a high at the moment he started bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"take the car. drive him around for a bit so you can talk." his mom peered into the room from the kitchen waving a fork, "go on my boy, we're rooting for you."

his sister stood from the floor to actually push him towards the door this time. "hurry before you start having second thoughts." she handed him the keys to his car and then the same green vans the brunette had gotten him for his birthday. "put those on in the car, and don't come back until you've kissed him." with the end of her sentence she shut the door on his face. leaving an over eager blonde with one single responsibility to fulfill before the end of today.

determination coursed through his veins as he practically ran to the car, sitting down and shutting the door with so much force the entire car shook underneath him. quickly, he pulled the shoes onto his feet and opened his messages with george to let him know he was on his way now. as he began pulling out of his driveway he called a contact he never thought he'd never interact with again.

aside from the noise of the call connecting he could hear the street passing, his eyes darted around past street signs as he knew he was growing more near to the brunette. finally the call connected and he was first to speak, "i know its no longer the twenty-sixth, but he just asked me to come over and i have every intention to talk with him about it all today."

he could hear the smile in her voice even through the droning noise of the phone, "i knew this day would come around soon, i only gave you a set date so you'd take action on your own if you became too desperate. looks like it still came around in the end." her voice helped carry him down the last street before he'd arrive at george's apartment.

he pulled up to the building putting the car in park. "thank you red." his anxieties finally began to set in, peering at the intimidating door that had already been shut on his face once before.

"you've got this, go show him how after all this time you still care for him." her soft spoken words did wonders for calming his nerves and then the call fell dead.

he stepped out of the car and made careful steps towards the door, focusing on his breathing to help him survive their fateful conversation. he practiced words on his lips he wouldn't dare to voice in the comfort of his own brain. he stood in front of the apartment, raising a hand to knock on the door. his fist met the hardwood three solid times before he heard the doorknob rattle, standing very still as the door opened.

he closed his eyes before he could begin to see the other, feeling awkward this time, not in the comfortable vicinity of his house. he heard a soft giggle and the noise brought a smile to his face, he peeked through one eye to inspect his surroundings. oppenining both of his eyes to smile at the brunette who stood at the door, dark, wet hair sitting upon his head, accompanied by a t-shirt that dipped down far enough around his neck to expose both of his collarbones, the dark color of the fabric contrasting the light tint of the other's skin.

dream thought his glances at the exposed of george's skin were subtle until the brunette spoke the first word between them. "hey, my eyes are up here." dream smiled at the remark and cleared his throat, standing up straighter to completely remove the other's lower body from his view.

dream's hands found their way into his pockets. he tilted his head to better relax in the presence he had been lacking. in the private of the movement his eyes grazed the face that had been the head of his torment. acknowledging bitten pink lips and dark, wet eyelashes that contrasted against skin so soft, the blonde knew he had been lucky to just cherish the sight of it. "hi."

george smiled back, leaning against the doorframe to take in the sight of the anxious blonde, who stood on his doorstep, shifting his weight under the strong gaze of dark brown eyes. george had prepared himself to accept the moment, expecting it to be the last time he'd see the blonde. "hi."

i once had a nightmare where a girl was chasing me around a library accusing me of stealing her soy disk. i woke up so confused i had to google "soy disk" as soon as i woke up, only to find that it's not a real thing :/

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