#5 The Ministry Mission

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256 days before

After Hermione obliviated Mandungus, we sat him outside on a bench next to the streets of London. We couldn't risk that he spread the news that he saw me, while everyone believed I was dead.

Sirius returned a few hours later in his Animagus and told us about his meet up with Remus. The family got into hiding in Brighton and his friend informed Sirius, that every member who was at the wedding, could get into hiding and that no one got hurt. He told us that Voldemort had the Dementors under control, along with the Ministry, who was merciless sorting out muggle born wizards.

At that Ron almost undetectable scooped Hermione closer, who stiffen up only right after we made a plan to get to the real Horcrux. - which included getting right in the dragon's dent.

Sirius tried to talk us out of it, said that there must be another way, but we didn't know where to start except with the first Horcrux we found in general, excluding the two Dumbledore and Harry already had destroyed. Although, my concern was all on Hermione. She as the only muggle born of us was in the most danger. If we were keeping the fact aside, that especially I and my mother were dead as soon as someone would see me.

Since my Mom had prepared myself with enough ingredients for Polyjuice Potion and I already started brewing as soon as I took cover with Sirius, we only needed two weeks more to prepare ourselves.

Since Maribel and I often accompanied mother and father to the Ministry, I knew where we needed to go. But finding employees, who we could turn into was another challenge to take.

"You need to be careful, I mean it.", Sirius laid his hands on my shoulders to look at me urgent. "The ministry is no safe place anymore. If someone sees you there it's -"

"- over. I know, no pressure.", I grinned. "We will be careful and we're finding them all to end the war. I promise."

„You're sure you don't wanna wait here?"

„The Ministry is like my third home after The Mansion and Hogwarts. They need me to find their way.", I smiled. „And I need to help."

Sirius smiled at me a little bit less worried, before he turned to the others.

"I will do what I can and keep the Order together. Look out for one another, okay? I mean it.", he said and squinted in my direction. "And you, little girl, don't overtake you. It don't need a bloodline to feel related, ask my godson, but you've grown on me and I want you safe."

"We'll do, I promise.", I smiled and took the man into a hug. "Thanks for everything."

I had my infinite bag on the belt, my wand ready in the pocket of my jeans and my hand on the necklace between my collarbones as soon as we disapparated to the streets near the ministry. Hermione, Ron and Harry knocked three employees out, shoved them into a small and narrow looking path where they wouldn't be found in the hour we had to find the locket. I knew them. It were Albus Runcorn, Mafalda Hopkirk and Reginald Cattermole.

"Okay, so that's the first step.", Hermione breathed out as she took the hair from the woman in front.

"Wait, Tiara needs someone too.", Harry tried to hold the girl back from sprinkling the hair into the bubbling vial, but I interrupted him with Hermione's knowing squint on me.

"I have some hair.", I said and took the small glass my mother packed for me, probably without noticing in the hectic of her plan.

"Who from?", Ron furrowed his eyebrows, but I tried to ditch their gazes while Hermione already tiptoed from one foot to the other nervously.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now