ⅩⅨ - Letting Go

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MY HEAD buzzes with irriration and discomfort. I feel light headed, and for a better expression, groggy.

I hear muffled voices shouting at each other, sounding frustrated and angry. I tried to pry my eyes open, but it's unwilling. The garbled voices slowly becomes clear.

"Why won't you let me stay with her!" A distant voice yells.

"Because I don't trust you." Someone near me answers simply. His tone stern, authorative and intense.


"You don't trust me? How about you? Who are you to her, huh?" His voice is accusing and filled with anger.

Something shifts beside me. "I'm a close friend of hers. I trust myself to stay with her. She needs rest. You might have no idea what had happened earlier, but I do. So, I know what to do, unlike you who would probably frustrate her when she wakes up. And, Mr. Storm, that's the last thing that Ms. Hale needs."

Storm? Marcus is here? What, why? Though I try, my eyes still won't open. Oh God, this is frustrating.

"Why do you care about her anyways? I can take care of her. Why won't you let me?!" Marcus yells again, exasperation hits his words.

I hear a sigh. "I care because I can." What? This guy is really impossible to understand. "The reason, why I won't let you is because, again. I don't trust you.And if what you're saying is true—that you really care about her Mr. Storm, you wouldn't be yelling near her, because you know she's resting. And that is one actual fact, why I don't believe that you do care."

Bingo. That's true. Alex really hits the bottom line every damn time. I have no idea how he does that.

There was a minute of silence, Marcus seemed to have realize Alex's point, because he didn't protest. If only I could move. . . I would have patted Alex's back, and tell him job well done.

After for what seemed like an eternity, Marcus spoke again, his voice flat and he sounds resigned. "You have no idea, how much I care about her, Mr. Kennedy."

He cares. . .

Before anyone else answered, the darkness consumes me, and everything fades away, and I slowly lose consciousness again.


No. I moan.

"Ms. Hale."


"Can you hear me?"

My eyes flicker willingly open for a split second. I'm in a bed and Alex is beside me.

"How do you feel?" He asks, smiling a crooked smile.

For a moment I am stunned. I knew he was here earlier, but it shocked me that he's still here, and he's smiling.

"Are you alright? How do you feel?" He questions, and the effect of his warm voice spreads like melted chocolate through my veins.

I squinted my eyes. "I'm fine. I feel slightly light headed and dizzy, but I'm fine."

I look around and, I see white walls. Oh. I'm at the clinic.

"Good." He says. He hands me a water and I gladly take it. "So, do you want to tell me why you fainted? As far as I remember you weren't the one getting choked."

I froze. Choke. The images of what had happened at the hallway resurfaces in my head. Oh no. . . Samantha. Losing control. . .

I look into Alex's eyes. He's gazing at me, those tantalizing brown orbs staring directly at my soul. He seems serious, and he's back to his usual distant and composed self.

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