Part 8

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Later when they arrived at the hotels

Walking out of the bus Daichi immediately realized they were one of the first teams (besides Nekoma) to arrive at the two hotels.

Katsuki Yutopia wouldnt be able to hold them all since theres going to be so many people. So the team coaches booked another hotel for Kamomedai, Date Tech, Inarizaki and Itachiyama.

"Hello, early for once?" Daichi was snapped out of his thoughts concerning the hotels when a tall male who had black rooster haircut with hazel cat like eyes that seemed very sly and intimidating walked over to him.

"Ah Kuroo. We arent always late, you know?" He replied back passive-aggressively sticking his hand out. Shaking the others hand they shared a few words coated with venom before releasing their hands and speaking normally to one another.

"Wheres Shoyo?" A quiet voice asked from behind the rooster haired male named Kuroo. The quiet voice startled Daichi for a moment before he regained his composure.

"Hes over there." Daichi replied pointing towards the rear end of the Karasuno Volleyball bus. "Thank you." The quiet voice replied walking over towards the rear of the bus.

"Shoyo..!" The quiet voice called out for Hinata a little louder than the tone he was using earlier.

"Kenma..?" Hinata recognized that soft quiet voice as Kenma Kozume and ran over to him engulfing him in a soft hug.

"Its been awhile since ive seen you in person! Mari missed you! She mentioned you like three times! So did the triplets!" Hinata exclaimed happily pulling Kenma inside of Katsuki Yutopia. The hotel both their teams along with Fukurodani, Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa would be staying at for the week.

"Sheesh, Chibi-chan is as entergetic as always." Kuroo thought aloud looking at his fellow captain. "Mhm, and triplets... whos Mari?" Daichi whispered to lowly for Kuroo to hear.

"Hmm, did you say something?" Kuroo asked his fellow captain raising an eyebrow.

"No.. its nothing." Daichi replied back looking up at the Nekoma captain.

With Kenma and Hinata

"Mari!" Hinata called out inside the hotel still pulling along the 3/4 bleached hair with cat like golden eyes boy named Kenma.

"Ah Hinata! Your here!" Yuuri's mother, Hiroko Katsuki rushed over to the two relatively short boys.

"Oh! Its already 9:15! I have to go! Bye!" He rushed off giving a hug to his 2nd mother figure leaving Kenma with the older woman.

Hiroko and Kenma just stood in an awkward silence before it was broken by Mari walking into the room and greeting Kenma excitedly.

The two of them often got along and had a relationship sorta like her and Yurios with Mari only being interested in the boy because he had blond hair. Not romantically, please shes like 30.

"Bleachy boy" was the nickname he received when she found out his hair was bleached and not natural.

"Oh Mari." Kenma said with a little sparkle in his golden eyes.

"Bleachy boy!" she yelled excitedly pulling him into a hug.

"How have you been?" She asked finally releasing him from the deadly hug. She was very strong and gave very strong hugs.

"I-Im good. " Kenma stumbled on his words and coughed a little from having his ribs crushed. "How have you been?" Kenma asked genuinely happy to be released from the deadly hug.

"Ive been good. Cant say the same for Yuuri, he seems stressed." Mari pointed towards her little brother that was up front checking the teams in, Team Manager (s) and Coaches were up there checking their teams in for their stay. He was currently working with Yachi and the computer seemed to be a bit slow today so he was anxiously pounding on the computer.

"Itll be fine, I think" Kenma replied looking towards the girl he thought of as an older sister.

By the power of me trying to find a good playlist to listen to, later at 10 am in the ice skating rink

(Seriously please I need suggestions, im currently listening to a Byakuya kinnie playlist. Ive tried so many other characters I kin and even others I dont but feel like they would have good music taste. Im desperate now.)

"Its pretty big in here!" A tall bald teen yelled excitedly walking around the main lobby. "Yea! Its gonna be fun here!" A short brown haired boy with the front part of his hair bleached replied running after his best bro. These two were named Tanaka and Nishinoya, the two best bros of Karasuno.

"Do you think were gonna be any good?! I think ill be amazing! I wonder who our instructor is gonna be?!" Tanaka asked his best bro that was still looking at everything.

"I think ill be amazing! I wonder if our instructor will be a cute girl?!" Noya thought aloud looking at his bro.

"They wont be as pretty as our queen Kiyoko!" Tanaka reminded his best bro Nishinoya.

"Yea!" Noya reminded himself.

"Hey suga! Do you think our instructor will be a girl?!" Noya asked the silver haired vice captain who was taking another head count.

"Mhm" he replied lazily, one could easily tell he wasnt listening at all. "Wheres Hinata?" Suga asked aloud looking for Karasunos short middle blocker. Panic overtaking him he walked over to the coaches and told Ukai he was missing.

"You dont know?" Kenma asked surprising everyone. "Know what?" Suga asked back.

"Hes one of the skaters teaching us."

912 words.

Hello! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I hope your all feeling well, and if your not please go give yourself a self care day! You deserve it and are worth it!

If youre still here make sure you brush your teeth tonight.

Bye bye!

Hinatas Passion | Yuri on ice x Haikyuu crossover Where stories live. Discover now