Part 6

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A/N: Welcome again! Im in class and im hella bored sooo....

By the power of me not paying attention in science and having no idea what were learning, 2 weeks later, after volleyball practice

It was a normal day, although Hinata seemed very excited for reasons unknown.

"We leave for the training camp in 2 days!" Nishinoya cheered. "Its gonna be awesome!" Tanaka cheered. "Come on guys finish your stretches!" Daichi scolded.

Hinata having finished his stretches ran outside the gym shouting a quick bye. "Bye Hinata stay safe!" Suga yelled after him. "I will!" He yelled back running off.

"Boke didnt bring his bike today." Kageyama said out of the blue. "Yea, I wonder why?" Nishinoya asked aloud. "Maybe he has someone picking him up..?" Asahi said reluctantly. "Hmmm, maybe?" Daichi said walking over towards his bag.

"Hinata seemed even more excited than usual today" Ennoshita pointed out. "The dumbass is always excited" Tsukishima said being his usual salty self.

"Tsukki! Be nice!" Yamaguchi said following after him. "Shut up Yamaguchi" Tsukishima retorted.

"I mean- he seemed really excited about something other than volleyball." Ennoshita said again. "Impossible" Tsukishima said stopping in place.

"Maybe he has a girlfriend?" Tanaka suggested. "..." the room was filled with silence, not an embarrassing silence but a deep thinking silence.

"Holy shit! Tanaka you might be right!" Suga said jumping to conclusions completely abandoning his usual thought out decisions.

Suga was now pacing trying to figure out why he was so excited about something other than volleyball. The only thing he came up with was that he had someone visiting him.

With Hinata

Hinata was running through to the front of the school yard to get to his mothers car that was parked up front.

Finally reaching the car he looked inside to make sure it was hers. Seeing it was he opened the door and ran inside and sat down in the passenger seat.

"Victor and Yuri couldnt make it?" He asked. "Yes, their currently running the store." Mana replied.

"Are you excited to see Yurio?" Mana asked. "Yes! We havent been able to talk to much with the time difference and stuff! But now we can!" He replied over enthusiastically. "Ok, by the time we get home the cafe will be closed." Mana said whilst starting the car.

Timeskip brought to you by me being in a depression session, 45 minutes later, at the airport

Hinatas legs were bouncing up and down, he was finally going to see Yurio in person again for the first time in 6 months! Last time was when he visited Russia to get some in-real-life practice with Russian. And to see Yurio.

Looking up he saw from the corner of his eye Yurio. Instantly he sat up and ran over to him. "Cheerio!" He whispered under his breath hugging him.

"Hey shoyo." He replied back. "Nice to see you to together again but we have to go." Mana said walking in the other direction towards the car. "Lets go Cheerio!" Hinata said grabbing his hand and walking away with him. Yurio blushed but otherwise followed after him.

Once they got in the car the boys sat in the back and just talked, then stared at eachother, laughed it off, talked again, and repeated that process until they arrived at his home.

"Keep your door open!" Mana yelled after them. Hinata tripped on a stair at those words and Yurio caught him.

"You okay?" He asked. Hinatas head was leaning against his chest, Yurios arms were wrapped around him supporting his back. "Y- mhm, im fine" Hinata said quickly walking up the stairs pulling Yurio behind him.

"Ew" Natsu said from her seat. "What?" Mana asked. "Ew, their so lovey-dovey" Natsu said sounding very annoyed. "You'll understand when your older" Mana told her.

Not buying it Natsu asked a question, "Why did you tell them to keep the door open?". "You'll understand when you're older" Mana reassured her.

"But I wanna know now!" Natsu complained. Eventually Mana complied. 'Shes 7, I guess it'll be fine for me to tell her'

"Alright lets go upstairs and you'll learn the secret" Mana said walking upstairs to her room.

"Yay!" Natsu cheered following after her.

Later, with Yurio and Hinata

"Sooo, how have you been Cheerio?" Hinata asked whilst laying against his chest. "Fine, how have you been?" He asked back. "Ive been fine, I learned quads!" He said excitedly.

"Thats amazing Sho" he said while playing with Hinatas hair.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Hinata asked. "Sure, what do you want to watch?" Yurio then squirmed a bit pulling Hinata closer.


A few minutes later they had some popcorn, Hinatas LED lights were on a very dim yellow and they had picked Finding Nemo at Yurios request.

There were Russian subtitles because Yurio wasnt completely fluent in english and Hinata often turned russian subtitles on for practice. Finding Nemo held a special place in their heart because it was the first movie they had seen in english together.

About halfway throught the movie Yurio ended up falling asleep due to jet lag.

"He looks so calm when he sleeps..." Hinata thought aloud. Grabbing his night clothes Hinata walked to the bathroom to go change and brush his teeth.

Tying his hair in a bun Hinata washed his face and brushed his teeth. He then changed into his night clothes when he heard a knock at the door. Opening the door to leave he saw a half asleep Yurio who had his own night clothes.

'Is he ok?' Hinata asked himself as Yurio walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Hinata walked back to his room and saw Natsu sitting on his bed, waiting for him.

A/N: 964 words. Thank you for reading this chapter. They will be leaving next chapter.

Hinatas Passion | Yuri on ice x Haikyuu crossover Where stories live. Discover now