Chapter 2 (rewritten)

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I woke up at the ass crack of fucking dawn. Yay. Anyways I woke up and immediately rolled out of bed to shut off that annoying ass sound that was being emitted from my phone.

While rolling out of bed I actually fucking fell. I didnt mean to, I just wanted to roll off slowly. But my head hit that ground faster than sonic could run and scream a 'gotta go fast'.

I mean- atleast im awake now. I shut off the hell spawn of an alarm, and started getting ready.

'Bruh I have morning SKATING AND VOLLEYBALL PRACTICE! Who tf makes my schedule? I dont. Does mom? Usually a note appears on the fridge and im like, 'okay' and do whatever tf the schedule says.'

'Shit Takeuchi sensei has a test today, im totally gonna fail that shit. Well, if im gonna fail it im gonna fail it amazingly! I'll stun him with how bad I did and when he has a heart attack. I'll do CPR, to the beat of CPR of course, and he'll be so thankful that he passes me with an A in his class!'

It was a foolproof plan, but then another thought seeped into his mind.

'work... later... 8 hours.... until closing.... I wanna cry....'

'wait why do i wanna cry i was the one that asked for that shift, i need the moneyyyy. i should get a sugar daddy... yurio would never know...'

After Hinata had his internal mental breakdown he left the house, forgetting to grab his bag, he had to run back in.

He also forgot his breakfast, so he had to run back in again. It was still dark out and all of a sudden Hinata found himself looking everywhere.

'omg what if that rat man guy from that one thing pops tf out and i have to run? my legs are still freezing from yesterday! wait if the AC thingy is broken.. i dont have practice!'

And at that moment, Hinatas phone dinged. He looked down at it and it was a text from Yuuko saying-

'ur dumbass better not come this morning uh- uh i do NOT want to have ur death of coldness on my hands'


... timeskip ...

Hinata had to go inside the house, AGAIN. To change into his school uniform since usually he would go to the rink, practice, and then change into his school uniform, and bike to school. It was honestly very tiring for him, which was why he was so happy to have a valid reason for not going to the rink to practice.

Once he got outside the house he looked up and saw that the sun was just starting to show. He hurriedly hopped on his bike and started biking down the large ass hill his families house was on.

The breeze went through his hair as he rolled down the steep hill, but suddenly, a person appeared over the horizon.

'What sane person is up at this time?'

Once he got closer he saw that the person was...

A cardbord cutout of Victor Nikiforov.

'Damn I thought I was gonna meet someone famous.'


Once he got to the school he locked his bike on the bike rack thing and started running to the familiar gym building.

He could faintly see a person in the distance, 'deja vu typa moment... tell me do you get deja vu? cause u want me and i want youuu'.

Hinatas Passion | Yuri on ice x Haikyuu crossover Where stories live. Discover now