Part 7

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"Hello Shoyo" the small girl welcomed calmly, although if you payed attention you could tell she was a bit disgusted.

"Hey Natsu, whats going on? Nightmares?" Shoyo asked sitting next to the small girl. Said girl just stared at him with a blank face.

"Hey brother, is that really how sex works?" she suddenly asked. Instantly Shoyo went red and starting stuttering out an answer.

"Huh? W-what? W-wha-what do you mean?" Shoyo asked trying to avoid eye contact. The young Hinata just continued staring at him.

"Mommy told me about sex and menstrual cycles" she replied as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Why...? Why did she decide to tell you?" Shoyo asked desperately. Despite what it seems he really wanted to know the thought process of telling a 7 year old about intercourse and menstruation. He himself didnt know of it until he was in junior high and they taught sex ed. So it made no sense for Natsu to be taught about it in his mind.

"When I asked why she said for you two to keep the door open, so, is that why she said that?" she asked innocently staring into his soul.

"I think its your bedtime!" Shoyo asked trying to avoid the conversation as a whole. It seemed that god wasnt on his side as Natsu asked many more questions on the way to her room thats on the other side of the hallway.

"Why? How? How did the first humans find out about sex? But dont use a religious reason to answer that. Mommy kept responding with something to do with religion and god and the bible, but were not religious so that made no sense to me." Natsu rambled on.

Inside Shoyo was trying to think of responses but nothing came to his mind. In short his mind was completely blank. 'WHAT DO I SAY??? HOLY BULLSHIT WHAT DO I SAY????' were the only occasional thoughts.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity Natsu was in bed and the older Hinata kissed the younger Hinatas forehead goodnight.

"Go to sleep, okay?" Shoyo said walking out the door. "I will! Night brother!" the small girl replied as enthusiastically as ever.

Walking into his own room he saw that Yurio was now asleep in his own night clothing.

'He looks so, not angry when hes asleep. Maybe calm is the right word but I dont care because this is my mind and I do what I want' he thought sassily to himself before drifting in and out of sleep for the night.

By the power of the Girl meets world intro being my only source of motivation, The next morning


Overall he had a horrible sleep that night, he was very tired in the morning and he ended up having two cups of black coffee.

"Morning" Mana said pouring her coffee into her coffee cup thats shaped like a cat.

"G'morning" he replied tiredly sitting in one of the chairs.

He was leaving for the training camp and he was allowed to wear his own clothing instead of his school uniform. So in short he was also up half an hour earlier so his indecisive self could think of something nice to wear.

(Im sorry I absolutely suck and describing outifits so im tagging a picture after the explanation)

He was wearing a navy blue oversized sweater with a teddy bear design and a white collar poking out around the neck area. He has beige like color pants on with white socks and black and white checkered vans.

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Hinatas Passion | Yuri on ice x Haikyuu crossover Where stories live. Discover now