Chapter 18

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Warren called in a favor from a previous employee at the range and took the next few days off. His manager had the gym well in hand. Jolie downright sparkled with happiness. Jake had smiled widely and expressed his gratitude. Warren hadn't missed how phony his smile, not to mention his gratitude had been.

What Jolie thought was all that mattered. She was happy, that was clear but he'd definitely picked up an undercurrent of anxiety in her demeanor. He didn't know if it was in regards to their visitor specifically or just the unexpected intrusion. Either way, he'd stick by her side until he was sure she was comfortable.

He had ulterior motives as well. Being nearby made it easy to keep an eye on Jake Monroe.

After breakfast Jake had made a call back to Idaho. Dustin, Maria and the girls had expressed surprise at his location once he'd gotten them on speaker phone. It seemed that Jake hadn't shared his plans with anyone at home either. Warren noted an air of irritation in Dustin's tone that his friend had quickly amended for the sake of the conversation.

Warren vowed to call later and get the scoop on what exactly had ruffled Dustin's feathers.

The girls insisted on singing Jolie the song they'd sung at their Christmas concert and listing off the numerous gifts they'd received. With a small prompt, they thanked her for the gifts she'd sent.

Warren's heart warmed watching her smile and laugh listening to their childish chatter. Maria took over the call and asked more adult questions in regards to their holiday. She seemed pleased to hear Jolie had joined in with Warren's family and enjoyed herself.

She directed many questions to Jolie and Warren as a couple. He couldn't help enjoying her friend's acceptance. It didn't matter in the long run, but petty as it may have been, he enjoyed the fact the Jake wasn't as involved in the conversation.

The other man sat back and observed Jolie and himself. From his posture and body language he wasn't pleased with what he saw. By the end of the call he'd retreated back into the depths of the overstuffed chair he occupied with his arms crossed and his face blank.

Jolie ended the call and turned to Warren with a beatific smile. "I miss them so much. I can't even imagine how tall little Hallie is by now."

"We might have to take a quick trip back some time and see." The words were out before he could pull them back.

A shadow crossed her face quickly and was gone. "Maybe."

He sought hope in the fact she hadn't completely shot down the suggestion. Maybe she was open to the idea of the two of them having a future. Even after the spring.

He ground his teeth when he saw the smirk that had taken up residence on his visitor's face.

Smirk it up dickhead. It doesn't mean it won't happen.

Jolie excused herself to take a shower and change. Warren promised to think of things of interest in the area while she was gone.+

He knew he didn't imagine the sudden relaxing of her posture as soon as she was behind Jake and out of his sight.

Once she was out of earshot Warren squared his shoulders for the conversation to come. If he were in the other man's place he'd want to get his cards out on the table and gather information while she was busy. It'd be much easier to be blunt and to the point.

Warren only wished he were more physically prepared. He'd managed to grab an old t-shirt to add to his pajama bottoms but he was still woefully underdressed in comparison to the living ken doll wannabe opposite him.

He wasn't disappointed, only two minutes of awkward silence elapsed before the other man started his assault.

"You served with Luke and Dustin?" Jake uncrossed his arms and tried to appear at ease. Unfortunately, he had a tell, his bouncing leg outted him.

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