The Chosen

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The commotion outside was too loud to ignore any longer

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The commotion outside was too loud to ignore any longer. Once Thea walked out of the office the first person she saw was Murphy and Emori.

Thea nodded to him and he nodded back telling that they were both okay.

"Jaha!" A man in the crowd called, a young boy in his arms, "What's happening?"

The remaining people from Arkadia had been pushed into a room away from the other grounders, everyone was scared and confused.

"That's everyone, close the doors." A voice called and the doors were shut.

People didn't hesitate to run up to the wall and banged against it.

"Jaha, you want to tell them? Or are you okay with them using your head as a battering ram I'd let them but they deserve to know the truth." Thea said

Jaha turned to Clarke, Bellamy and Thea and said, "Three out of four of these people are going to die tonight. Still think you made the right choice?"

"You act like you've never made the decision before. Clarke thinks with her head, Bellamy thinks with his heart. I think with logic and my brain." Thea said

. . . . . .

"It's all going to hell John." Thea said as she walked over to Murphy.

Murphy sighed not liking how upset she looked and hugged her, "I know those people, some of them are Mecha how can I tell them they're gonna die?"

Murphy rubbed her back and said, "You won't have to leave that to Bellamy and Clarke."

"That's half the reason why I'm here. Bellamy and Clarke are going after Raven I'm going with them." Thea said

"What? No-"

Thea cut him off saying, "She's my sister I'm going, I need you and Emori to stay in the bunker where you're safe."

Murphy shook his head, "Where you go I go. Remember, you jump of a cliff I follow you straight down. I'm going to and I'm pretty sure Emori wouldn't want to be left here alone."

Sinclair (2)- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭Where stories live. Discover now