Join or Die

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A few hours later Thea arrived at the gates of Polis where two grounder guards were waiting

One of the guards stepped forwards and said, "Chon yu bilaik? Hakom yu kamp raun hir?"

"Ai laik Dorothea Sinclair Kom Skaikru, ai gaf chich yu heda op." Thea said

The two grounders looked at each other before the second one said, "Kom op gapa." Thea nodded as she slowly got off the horse with her hands up showing them that she means no harm, "Ban au oyo gon."

Thea didn't like to leave any of her weapons with the grounders but she complied putting her pistol in the box at the front.

. . . . . . .

A few minutes later Thea was being led down the corridor towards the commanders throne room. One of the guards went in and a few seconds later she heard a female's voice call, "Min yu op."

Thea took a deep breath before she walked into the throne room and her eyes widened when she saw Jaha standing beside the new commander

"Miss Sinclair, nice to see you again." Jaha said

"Why are you here?" Ontari asked

"Commander, your predecessor Lexa owed me something I'll believe what I am owed is here. I've simply come to collect." Thea said

Ontari raised an eyebrow and said, "What are you owed sky girl."

"A kill." Thea said simply

Ontari stood up and said, "Who's kill are you owed."

Thea took a deep breath before she said, "Tagon kom trikru, but I believe he is loyal to Azgeda now."

Ontari thought about it for a second almost as if she was listening to someone else before she said, "Bloka!" Thea turned around when two guards walked into the room, "Lid in Tagon kom Trikru."

"Why are you owed this mans death?" Ontari asked

Thea turned back to Ontari and said, "He tortured me and your flamekeeper in a cave for three days. And did something no man should ever do to a woman."

Sinclair (2)- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭Where stories live. Discover now