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Yuki's P.O.V. 

-flashback to when Yuki was 6-

Today, I've decided to follow kaa-san to work instead of hanging out with otou-san all day like I usually do. When we got there, there was a giant castle in front of me. Kaa-san and I went inside and we were greeted with a man with grey hair and blue eyes (Atobe's father) and a man named Sebastian.

""Hi Rinko-san. Hi Yuki-chan." greeted they grey haired man.

"HI!:" I answered.

"Why don't you go play with Kei-chan in the gardens. He's hiding somewhere, but if you can find him, you can have a prize." 

"Okay!" I answered and I ran towards the garden and left the adults. The garden was beautiful and was full of flowers, had a pond in the middle. I bet there were at least 100 types of flowers. I then saw figures in black suits running past me, searching for something. I shook it off, as I couldn't wait to meet another girl like me, Kei-chan. 

After 20 minutes of searching for Kei-chan, I gave up and decided to crawl up a tree to rest. When I got there, I saw a person who had the same grey hair okaa-san was talking to. 

"What are you doing here?!" the person demanded. 

"Hello. My name is Echizen Yuki. Call me Yuki."

"Atobe Keigo." the person pouted.

"Hmm..." and then it clicked. "Are you Kei-chan?! I thought you were a girl." 

"Excuse me?! Ore-sama does not look a single thing like a girl. What makes you think Ore-sama was a girl?!" 

"Well...he called you Kei-chan so I assumed that you were a girl." 

"That baka oyaji...." and suddenly darka aura was radiating off him.

Suddenly, "Hey! I found them!" 

"Shit!" Kei-chan cursed. He grabbed me and pulled me off the tree. I screamed of course and he landed and caught me. Then, he started to run while I could see the men in the suits I saw earlier tring to catch up.

"Wait!!!! Atobe-sama!!!!"

After we lost them, we hid in the study and Kei-chan started to talk to me. 

"Who were they?" I asked trying to catch my breath.

"I'm bored so Ore-sama always play around with the bodyguards that my father assigns Ore-sana. It's funny to see them panic."

"Kei-chan! I scolded.

"What?! And don't call me that!" 

I leaned across and with both hands pinched his cheeks.

"Ow!!! What was that for!?" 

"No matter how bored you are, you have to think about the consequences! What if you accidentally get hurt and they can't find you! You father assigned them for a reason and that's to protect you! And if you are bored, you could hang out with some friends." 

"Che....Ore-sama don't have friends because all they do is try to get money from Ore-sama." 

"Then I'll be your friend! And I'll protect you!!!" 

Then, Kei-chan started to giggle. "Okay!" and we locked our pinkies together.

Together, we went to find the bodyguards and Kei-chan apologized. The guards were crying that he apologized and they apologized too. When we found Kei-chan's father and okaa-san we were holding hands and they turned their attention to us. 

"I see you met Yuki-chan." Kei-chan's father said.

"Yeah. Yuki." 


Kei-chan leaned in and kissed me on the cheek said, "You'll be Ore-sama's wife in the future!" 

I giggled and nodded. "Un!" 

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