1- Remembrance

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Sam Wilson fluttered his eyes open and sighed. Today was the day, a remembrance for steve something nobody was prepared for. Steve got the life he deserved when he stayed back and lived his life with Peggy, but the consequences were big, he was old and that came to an end. Sam stretched walking towards the large oak mirror planted at the end of the room, he studied himself as he reached for the suit he was going to wear. Plain suit bottoms and a white collared shirt with a black blazer and tie which hung perfectly around his neck. Sam wiped a tear that slipped from the corner of his eye he wanted to be strong for Steve and for everyone else around him.

The one person Sam hoped would be at the remembrance was Bucky, sam hoped he would be there because he wanted to comfort Bucky and help him through the tough times ahead but they haven't seen each other since everyone returned from the blip. Bucky would be struggling to cope with the loss of his life long best friend and Sam knew that, he knew about the ptsd dreams he used to have and with Steve gone everything will be two times as worse.

Shaking away the thoughts he reached for a round leather bag it was circular in shape with a leather strap. Sam trailed his fingers across the fabric while briefly closing his eyes and letting out a small shaky breath as he brought the bag up towards his face to get a better look. Sams eyes glistened brightly as another tear escaped his ducts. He wiped away the single tear with the pad of his thumb and gripped the zipper of the large bag tightly before sliding in down all the way. Sam smiled briefly at the round Vibranium shield that he pulled out of the bag, Sam snook the bands around his arm which were attached to the backside of the shield. The sun shone through the small windows illuminating Caps shield making the red, silver and blue colours more vibrant.

Sam suppressed his tears finally taking the shield of his arm and place it back into the bag. He flung the bag over his shoulder carefully and made for the door.


As the car got closer to the hall the ceremony was going to be held is Sam began to feel a pit in the bottom of his stomach, he was nervous to see everyone again especially after he hasn't seen many people for a while. The car came to a holt and he opened the door carefully stepping out while scanning his surroundings for any familiar faces. As his eyes moved around the crowd he spotted James Rhodes stood alone against a stone pillar that was standing high outside the hall. Noticing some other people stood around but no sign of Bucky, Sam decided to say hello to Rhodes

"Hey Rhodey, how are you doing" Sam questioned still clinging onto the leather bag. "Hey Sam I'm alright" He spoke giving Sam a warm smile. "Can't believe how many people showed up" Sam gave a small laugh to brighten the mood. "Never thought Cap had this many friends" Rhodey joked.

Sam and Rhodey talked for a bit and caught up on everything they have missed. The ceremony was starting soon and Sam had noticed that Bucky still hadn't shown up. Sam is the kind of person to care about everyone and he was getting worried.

"Sam we are going in, come on" Rhodey exclaimed quietly gesturing Sam to come along behind him. He nodded and followed presently. Rhodey sat down one a chair which was positioned right at the front of the crowd while Sam went to the side with caps shield still hung on his shoulder. Getting a nervous feeling about the speech he had prepared Sam diverted his attention onto the crowd to get his mind of it.

His eyes lazily looking across the crowd, he noticed a person stood right at the back leaning against one of the cream coloured walls. The person was hooded but had a grey cap under the hood of the jumper he was wearing. Something told Sam that he knew the guy but because the figure had their head dipped it was nearly impossible to identify the man. Tearing his eyes away from him it was time to make his speech for cap. He had been mulling over what exactly to say for him but kept scribbling out and re doing it because he wanted it to be perfect.

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