Chapter 5. Affinity

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Exactly six in the evening that Khao heard a knock from their door.

"Coming!!"... Khao shouted back in response. He immediately open the door and welcome the visitor.

Khao jokingly whistle as soon as he saw P'Earth.
"Owww!!... I didn't get the invitation!!"... Khao teases.

Confuse to what Khao is implying. Earth puzzed asked Mix best friend.
"Invitation for what?"...

"Invitation for the wedding...what else Phi?"... Khao's response while rolling his eyes.

"Ahhhh!!"... Earth exclaimed.
"You're such a joker Khao. We're just having  dinner not getting married!!"... Earth uttered while smiling.

"Well forgive me, I just thought because you look more like a groom in your suite"... Khao teases back again and winks.

"Just call Mix ok!!"... impatient Earth advice Khao in a serious tone.

"Mix your husband is here!!"..." Get out now!!"... Khao yelled calling for Mix.
"P'Earth as usual feel at home as you wait for your wifey. I need to attend to something"... Khao excuses himself afterwards.

"JERKKKKKK!!!" Mix uttered to Khao as soon as he arrived in the living room.

And the moment Mix saw Earth that his eyes immediately widened.

Not because he was mesmerized by Earth handsome looks, but he really felt awkward seeing Earth in his tailored fit suite.

"Earth let me change my attire for a while. I'll just change to something more formal like you"... Mix sheepishly told Earth and was about to go back to his room when Earth immediately halted him.

"No it's ok Mix! Besides dinner start at seven. So we need to really be going by now!!"... Earth reassured him.

A bit hesitant and feeling conscious wearing only his loose sweatshirt, black pants and a pair of snicker Mix just shyly nod his head in response to Earth.

And before Mix can even protest and say something again, Earth immediately took his hand and guide him outside making Mix feel flushed.

"Why didn't you inform me that it's a formal dinner?"... As soon as Mix is seated in Earth's car, He immediately asked Earth about their dinner. Earth just smiled back at him as his response.

"I'm really feeling a bit conscious how I look. I just thought we're dining out in one of those restaurant we had before"... Mix admitted.

"Where exactly are we going? You're not taking me to an expensive restaurant don't you?".. Mix jokingly teases while grinning at Mix.

Again Earth stay silent and keep his mouth from answering and just smirk again to Mix as his response.

"Ummm nice talking Earth. Glad you're a good conversationalist. I am so delighted with your answers!!"... Mix annoying replied while rolling his eyes.

"It's a surprise Mix!!"... Earth answered while beaming at him.
"This is the first time I'm treating you alone, so I wanted it to be special. Besides, I told you I wanted to really make up to you"... Earth uttered trying to explain to Mix his reasons.

"Ok"... Mix timid response.

Earth unconsciously pinch Mix cheek as he finds his gesture very cute.
"Stop sulking ok!"... Again Earth pleaded while
smiling radiantly.

"If I told you about our dinner date, then it's no longer a surprise. So where's the excitement there!!"..."So please trust me on this one Mix. I'm pretty sure you would love the place promise!"... Earth swaying Mix to trust him.

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