Chapter 2. Serendipity

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The incident that happened a few days ago about Earth and Mix eventually created an uproar in the twitter world.

Surprisingly Mix charm and charisma works strangely to his advantage. Instead of getting a lot of backslash and bashing from Earth and Podd's supporter and fans he eventually gained more followers simply by posting his cute picture.

And in fact some of Earth's fans even supported Mix and shipped them together, trending and gaining a few spots in the twitter world with the hashtag #EarthMix.

Earth can't hide his happiness after reading some messages coming from his supporters.
Others are even sharing pictures of them which was taken a couple of years ago.

However, because of this incident, It also created a little conflict between the shipper and follower of Earth and Podd. To the point that they were accusing EarthMix fans that some of the pictures  they are posting are somewhat fabricated.

Of course Earth can always validate its authenticity. Specially that old picture circulating in the social media.

Because he can still remember it clearly when it happens. It was taken during a Thanksgiving party with one of his colleagues.


Mix who is also a friend of his close friend from their University, Nammon. After finishing his degree in Medical Science, Nammon throw out a party to celebrate his graduation and invited him and all of their friends. And that is when the two of them met for the first time.

And as soon as Nammon introduce Mix to him the younger boy immediately attached himself to him and for the whole night he never leaved his side. He was really surprise by Mix behavior and felt a bit awkward about it.

Remembering their first meeting and interaction, Earth can help but smile again……..

"Nong…. Can you please stop following me"… Earth requested to Mix. 

"Only if you cut that Nong part and called me Baby"… Mix immediately replied while smiling wholeheartedly to Earth.

And oh boy, Earth must have seen the heaven with Mix genuine smile that he was taken a back for a moment while looking at his adorable face.

"You're nuts! Are you out of your mind?"... Earth instead reacted and told Mix, but was quickly dismissed by the young boy.

"Earth do you believe in love at first sight?"... again Mix asked innocently ignoring the dumbstruck reaction from Earth's face.
"Because the moment I saw you I already knew you are destined to be "MINE"... He added and afterwards wink at him sending a billion of electric shock in his body.

Earth was lost in words hearing the straightforward confession from Mix. He didn't expect that behind Mix cute and innocent face is a very straightforward and aggressive personality.  Somewhat resembling like a feral cat.

"Stop making jokes Mix. That is not funny"... Earth reprimanded Mix again.

"Who says I'm joking. I've never been so serious in my entire life Earth!!"... Mix again quickly responded.

"Phiiiiiii!!!!! Its P’Earth"… Earth scolded Mix emphasizing him to address him properly..

"You don't call your husband Phi!"... Mix retorted sexily. 

Earth jaw immediately drop the moment he hears Mix answer.

Mix took the moment Earth was surprised by his response as he tried to take a few step to move closer to him. But Earth regained his composure and he immediately took a few steps backward as his reaction.

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