Chapter 3. Charm

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"Khao stop pulling my shirt... Please!!"... Mix reprimand his friend.

"Mix do you really need to go this far. You are so desperate!!"... Khao complained to him but never removed his hand from Mix garment.

"Yes!!"....and I don't care if I'm sooo desperate. If this is the last option I had then I will definitely do it. Besides, it's a win-win solution after all"... Mix explained to Khao while grinning at him.

"WIN-WIN???" Khao suddenly raising his voice, frustrated asked.
"How can you say it's a win-win scenario if Earth love you back because of that stupid love potion....which is.....I doubt will happen!!!"... Khao added.

"And for goodness' sake Mix.. Who in his right mind will still believe that love potion actually works and exist???"... Khao sarcastically questioned him again.

Mix stop for a while and look back to his friend. He then gave Khao his intense glare enough for his friend to know the answer from his question.

Khao took a deep breath, and look at his best friend's cute but pathetic face.....

"Mix... why don't you just give up. I mean its more than four years already. You were trying to win P'Earth's heart for so long, but the way I see it.......maybe....just maybe, he really can't look at you the same way you look at him"... Khao said seriously. Expressing a mixture of concerns and sympathy towards his friend.

"He will love me back Khao!!"..."I know....I can feel it!!"... Mix assured his friend, although he really sound so desperate and unsure when he said those word.

"Mix... I just don't want you to end up too broken......if all things fail"... Khao uttered worriedly.
"Look Mix, you are really a very good looking person.....your funny, cute, warm.....your easy to get along with....." Khao pause for a while seeing the confused looks from Mix.
"What I'm trying to say Mix is, if you just let your heart open to someone I'm sure you will find that someone who will love you back the way you always want it"... Khao added.

"But I only want Earth, Khao!!"... Mix said in a very gentle way.

"Mix, I never said you give up your feelings immediately with Phi Earth, I'm only suggesting is that why don't you try to entertain other people around. Are you even aware that a lot of guys in our Uni are even eyeing or drooling over you?"... Khao lamented.

"I don't know, I never really focus towards other people around me?"... Mix replied seriously.

"You see. You are so infatuated on him that you miss looking at the whole world"... Khao trying to point out his sentiments.

"I am not!!"... Mix defend himself immediately.

"I am not oblivious of my surrounding Khao, its just that.....that those people your referring with..... I don't find them interesting the way I see Earth!!"... Mix added justifying his affection towards Earth.

"But...." Khao was about to contradict again however Mix already cut him off.

"Khao...if I ask you to sacrifice your collection of trading cards in exchange for reading books will do it?"... Mix seriously asked his best friend.

"Of course not. I work so hard to achieve those cards... I will never give it up...specially to reading books...Yuckk!!"... Khao immediately responded.

"You see, that is the same with what you are asking me about Earth. I work so hard to build this closeness to Earth and giving up on my feelings to him is not really an option!!"... Mix trying to comprehend his situation to Khao..

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