Gon// Hunter x Hunter

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Y/n was walking her dog near the woods, then the dog starting barking out of nowhere. The dog then ran off to fast, and the leash slipped from Y/n's hands. She started to curse under her breath and chase her dog in the woods. She couldnt go home with out him.

"Oh? Are you lost?" Y/n heard a voice speak. She peaked her head from behind a bush and saw her dog, talking with some boy with green spiky hair.

"Gucci!" She got out of her hiding spot and stood in the open.

"Is this your dog?" The kid with the green hair asked.

Y/n nodded. "My dog seems to like you... he dont get along with the other people around though.."

"Woah... your really pretty!" The kid walked over to her. "Pink is a really good color on you!"

Y/n would be blushing now. Thank god fo her skin.

"Hehe... sorry. My names Gon!"

"The names Y/n..."

The sat in the woods till the sun was down talking about everything.

"When's your birthday?" He asked.

"(Birthday). Whats your favorite color?"

"Green! Whats your favorite food?"

"F/f. Why are you out here?"

"Oh, I wanted to explore more... Im preparing for the hunter exam! Im gonna be a hunter just like my dad!" Gon stood proudly.

"Wait, you still wanna meat that shitbag?" Y/n rolled her eyes. "Yuck. I could neva chase after someone who doesnt want me. My dad left me too, and I turned out just fine."

"But, he left me to be a Hunter, and I wanna know why!"

"You do you, I guess." She sat up, "It was super fun talking to you, I have to get home before the street lights cut on."

"Do you know your way out?"

That made Y/n stop in her tracks. "N-No.... could'ya get me outta here?" She looked down at her feet.

"Mhm! Dont worry about it... its Gon to the rescue!!"

Gon helped Y/n out of the woods and asked if she wanted to be walked home. But, she kindly declined.

"Wait, wanna trade numbers?" Gon asked with no hesitation.

"Of course! Byee! Oh and thank you!!!!" Y/n said as she ran off with her dog behind her.

"Aunt Mitoooo! I met a pretty girl in the forest!" Gon smiled as he closed the door.

"Really? Whats her name?"

"Well her names Y/n and she had pretty dark skin, and her hair was all crazy in a afro! It was tied with a pink band a-and she had on a pink dress! You shouldve seen herrrrr!" He whined.

"Calm down, maybe Ill meet her one day."

The next morning Gon was awake early, and he rushed downstairs. "Bye Mito! Im gonna go look for Y/n!" She didnt say anything when she saw the determination in his eyes.

Gon went to search the woods for Y/n, he tried to track her scent. But she had on a different perfume today. So he tracked her hair smell.

He found her sitting on a bin by the docks with Gucci next to her. She was feeding him piece of dog treats.

"Y/n! I found you!" He cheered throwing his hands in the air.

"Oh hi Gon. How'd you find me?" She asked. She didnt even know she was being tracked.

"I follow your scent!" He pointed at his nose and smiled proudly.

"You.... you tracked me by my smell? Kinda like a dog, cool. Hear that Gucci? He has a nose like you."

"Oh hello Gucci! Im Gon!" He stuck his hand out and petted the happy dog. "Im really good with animals, I think thats why he didnt attack me."

Gon kindly asked if he could take her to his house to meet his aunt. Of course he kept out the part where he rambled all about her. Y/n know not to go to anyone elses house... what if Gon was a child abductor... no thats someone else.

"Uh..." But then again she had Gucci to protect her. "Sure."

"Mito! Mito!" Gon called. "I brought a friend!" He was excited for his aunt to meet Y/n.

"Oh? And is this Y/n?" Mito asked. Setting the table with her grandmother.

"Mhhm! I found her earlier."

"Hi.. I dont mean to introduce or anything... also is it okay if I bring my dog inside?" Y/n asked pointing towards the door.

"Yes its fine. Would you like to stay for lunch?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

After the lunch Y/n thanked Mito and standing at the door cause Gon said he'll walk her home.

"Hey, I know we just met but... I wanna take you on a date." He admitted. "Trust me, Ive been on more than one date... hehe."

This is kinda tooo long..😪but please hit that vote👩🏽‍💻

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