Chapter 4 - Mythical History

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Asami POV -

    It was very nice meeting Opal, Bolin, and Mako. I think that these will probably be my friends. I hope that I didn't scare them off with my Dad being the CEO of Future Industries. I don't think I did. I then started to pay attention to Mr. Gyatso. He already started the lesson but that is ok.

    "I understand that you might think that this class is a joke and that I'm telling lies, most of the units I'm not sure if they're true but this one I do. You may wonder how I know. Let's just say that I experience this myself," This starts to make me curious. I continue to listen to him.

    "I have never met anyone that has ever experienced this so I'm going to share with you my experience. Even though most of you think this is fake and a sick joke, bending and spirits in the spirit world are real. I have seen them myself," I watch most of the class roll their eyes still not believing Mr. Gyatso. I know that it sounds weird but for some reason I trust him.

    "Many years ago, I woke up. The weird thing is that I didn't wake up in my house. I woke up on the grass, I thought that I was dreaming but I guarantee that it was real," Mr. Gyatso explains.

    "I saw people bending elements in a civilization I have never seen nor heard of. Watching spirits dance around and people doing their normal day to day stuff. I have never seen something so magnificent," my eyes were open so wide, retrieving as many details as I can of this magical place.

    "I never knew how I left but I never wanted to leave. This place is like everyone's dream, I would do anything to see it one more time," the bell starts to ring. I quietly groaned wanting to know more about this magical place.

    "He really needs to stop making up these stories, they're obviously fake," Mako claims. I don't know what his problem is but ever since I sat next to him, he has just been snotty.

    "He seemed like he really knew what he was talking about. I don't think he was lying," Opal responds. I like Opal, she always looks on the bright side of things.

    "I think he is telling the truth," both Bolin and I say. We then start to giggle after saying the same thing at the same time. I like these people, not so much Mako, but Bolin and Opal seem nice. We all then go our separate ways because we have different schedules, I almost didn't want to leave the group but I took advanced classes and they took normal.

    Before I knew it, the day was over. I was still super curious about Mr. Gyatso's story. I wanted to stay after school and talk to him more about it but I can see Mr. Lee was already waiting for me. I quickly walk and sit in the passenger seat of the satomobile.

    "How was your day Miss Sato," Mr. Lee greets me. He has always been so formal even though I have known him for most of my life.

    "You know that you can just call me Asami, I don't mind," I tell him even though he will probably still call me "Miss Sato".

    "To answer your question, my day was great. I met 3 people and I think that they are my friends," I was very excited, Mr. Lee looked excited too, he knew that I had no friends my age growing up.

    "That is great Miss Sato!" he exclaimed. I couldn't stop smiling, I can't wait to tell my father.

    We finally make it back to the estate, Mr. Gyatso's story still in my mind.

"Mr. Lee, do you believe in a magical place where spirits dance and people bend?" I ask. He gave me a weird look, maybe he has never heard of it before.

"Well, I have never heard of a place like that but I can research that if you'd like," he answered. He probably thinks I'm crazy.

"No it's fine, I was just wondering," I try and play off cool. Mr. Lee jst shrugs and we both get out of the satomobile. As soon as I enter the estate I run straight to my room. I carefully place my bookbag on the hook my father installed in my room. I lay down on my bed thinking. Maybe Mr. Gyatso's story was fake, bending and spirits are probably not real. He said that he never met anyone that has happened to so it was probably a lie. My father will probably think it's some hilarious joke. I sigh and get my homework out of my bookbag. All I had was math homework, this shouldn't take long.

My father taught me these equations so I considered this math homework to be simple. I would say that I finished in maybe 15 minutes. I then take a shower and get ready for bed. I wasn't really hungry so I didn't attend dinner tonight. I unfold my sheets and get comfy, making sure that my alarm was set to go off the next morning. Today was quite tiring but I'm glad that I got the chance to go to school.

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