Chapter 1 - Backstory

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I thought that being a 17 year old (almost 18) would be fun, I guess not. My father owns the largest company in the world. Now don't get me wrong, I love my father. Though it seems that ever since my mother's passing, he has changed. He has been so protective of me ever since. That day was traumatizing for the both of us. Waking up to a normal day doing the same things you always do, but then a sudden change of plans. A fire erupted, the fear on my mother's face. Trying to save me, putting herself second. A day I would never forget. A day we'll never forget.

Since the unfortunate events of that day, my father has never been the same. He didn't want to lose me, nor did I want to lose him. We were the only ones left for each other. I never made friends or attended public schools. My father was too afraid of sending me away, even though I rarely saw him anyways. He always drowned himself in his projects. Sometimes I would try and stay awake until he was finished, I never succeeded. I once thought he was a vampire, he didn't sleep or leave the garage.

Luckily for me, I looked just like my mother. Green eyes, thin face, long wavy raven hair, it was hard for him to say no to me. As a child I never bothered him, though at times it got lonely. I still miss my mother. She would brush my hair, play with dolls, read to me every night. Something my father never had the time to do. For the longest time I thought I was the cause of my mother's death. Constantly grieving alone, with no one. I couldn't deal with it anymore.

When I say that I begged to go to a public school, I am not joking. He always told me it was too dangerous. Making it seem like I couldn't handle myself even though I could. He didn't put me in self-defense classes for no reason.

"Come on Dad, how would you expect me to gain social skills if I'm locked up in the mansion," I argued. He sat there for a minute with what I call his "I'll think about it" face. I continue to try and persuade him.

"Please, I graduate this year and all I wanted was to have a normal teenage life. Other kids my age get to go to the park or hang out at each other's house. The only entertainment I get is reading the same books over and over again. Please just consider it," this was my last chance. I was done arguing, even though I desperately wanted to have a normal life.

"I will not send you to a public school," he finally responds. At this point I have lost all hope.

"But, I can send you to a private school with proper security," Even though this isn't totally what I wanted, this was the best I could get.

"Oh my spirits! Thank you so much!" I was beyond excited, yet scared at the same time. I have never had any social experience with teenagers my age, or any teenagers at all. I hope that I can fit in, also I'm quite curious about what school he has in mind. 

Authors Notes:

Hi! Thank you for reading this part :) I know that it is pretty short and most of these chapters will be but if you want them to be longer then just comment that. I have never written a story before so this is my first time. Korra won't be introduced until later in the story so keep reading :) I will try and upload as much as I can but I still have school so...

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