Chapter 3 - Kyoshi Academy

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After our conversations, we finally arrived at the main gate of the school. When my father said that this was high security, he wasn't lying. The whole school seemed to be bordered by a 10 foot wall. It almost looked like a prison. Since I was new to this school they had to give me a special ID to enter. My father gave the paperwork to the principal and that at least took 30 minutes. For the moment I have been waiting for, the large gate opens and my father drives through. I was beyond excited, my nerves seemed to calm down.

Students were walking to their classes. I retrieved my schedule, my father made sure that they put me in advanced classes. Of course my electives were Engineering and Business. One day my father wants me to take over Future Industries. I'm definitely excited but it also brings a lot of pressure. The fact that right after I graduate I will own a multi-billion dollar company. I believe that I could manage.

"Well I guess this is it," my father stated coldly.

"C'mon Dad, I'll only be gone for a few hours then I'll be back home. I promise that nothing will happen to me," I comfort him with a side hug. I can see his eyes start to water but he quickly wipes them away.

"I wish I was a better father to you. You are just like your mother," he gives me a sad chuckle. I continue to comfort him.

"It's ok, we are both still grieving. Thank you for the apology and I promise I'll be ok and careful," he then proceeds to give me a proper hug.

"I love you my little flower," I was astonished. It has been years since I have heard those three words from him. I couldn't help but shed a few tears.

"I love you too," I respond. He wipes my tears away with the back of his hand. I grab my bookbag and get out of the satomobile. I watch him leave out of the main gate. Slowly I make my way to my first class which seems to be Mythical History. I was never fond of history but the "mythical" part intrigues me. I make my way to the classroom.

Mako POV -

"Why is Mr. Gyatso standing outside the door, class started 5 minutes ago," Opal says

"Don't worry about it, I don't like this class so the longer he stands there the better," I tell her. I really don't like history, especially mythical. Like most of this stuff isn't even real. Who believes in spirits and humans bending elements?

"What if there is a new student!" Bolin exclaims. Opal just giggles. Bolin and Opal have been dating since freshman year. I would say that their relationship has been the most successful out of everyone in the school.

"I mean, what if it's a girl Mako. Maybe you can finally get a girlfriend," Bolin considers. My last relation was with a girl named Azula. Lets just say that it didn't work out, at all.

"Bolin, I don't need a girlfriend. I am a very independent man," I reply, and it's true. Girls waste my time. When I graduate I am going to enroll in the police academy, I don't want some girl constantly worrying about me. We continue to have our usual conversations until Mr. Gyatso redirects our attention back to him.

"Good morning students. We do indeed have a new student joining us so I would like you all to be on your best behaviour for her," Mr. Gyatso pleads. Bolin looks me straight in the eyes when he says "her," I roll my eyes. Everyone seems to be so anxious about the new girl. Like who cares.

Everyone is staring through the classroom door to see her besides me. I am sitting at the table with Bolin and Opal looking at my papers.

"Please welcome Asami Sato, our new student. She has been homeschooled her whole life so please make this be a good experience for her. Asami, you can go sit with Mako, Bolin, and Opal," I turned my head as soon as I heard my name. I happened to catch a glimpse of the new girl. When I say I have never seen someone as beautiful as her, I mean that I have never seen anyone as beautiful as her. She has amazing emerald eyes and raven black hair. I start to feel my cheeks heating up.

"Oooo, looks like someone has a crush. What did you say about not wanting a girlfriend," Bolin teases me. I shoot him my death glare.

"Shut up! I don't like her!" I desperately lie to get out of the situation

"Keep telling yourself that but we both know that is not true," Bolin replies, still not convinced. I roll my eyes and watch the gorgeous lady take the seat next to me. I tried not to stare but I just couldn't help it.

"Hi... I'm Mako... over there is my brother Bolin and his girlfriend Opal," I say pointing to them.

"Oh, nice to meet you all. Like Mr. Gyatso said, I am Asami Sato," she cheerfully replied. Sato, Sato... where have I heard that?

"Are you related to Hiroshi Sato? Like the man who owns Future Industries," Opal asks. That is where I heard that name. He owns the largest company in the world, but I doubt he would send his daughter to a school if he is that rich.

"Actually I am, but trust me, I'm not one of those prissy rich girls," the new girl answers.

"I work hard for everything I own," she continues. She seems to be very dedicated and a hard worker. I like that.

"Well, if you ever need help with anything, we are always here," Bolin tells her. Maybe I should invite her to do something after school, or is it too much. I mean I just met her so she might not want to go. I should probably become friends with her before I start asking her to go on dates. Though I would admit, she is very pretty and I like her personality.

Mr. Gyatso gave us our time to get to know Asami. After our conversations, we start to pay attention to class. 

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