30: apology circle

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sawamura daichi has created
apology circle 🙇‍♂️

sawamura daichi has added 3 members

sawamura daichi
i got your things from your

matsukawa issei
what is this

semi eita
can you read or..?

matsukawa issei
tf is your problem dude
i just asked a question 😐

sawamura daichi
can we maybe not do this rn

matsukawa issei
i don't rlly know any of you so...

semi eita
if you saw our names and used
your brain then maybe those wheels
in your head would start turning
and you would know what this is

matsukawa issei
i'm seriously so close to losing my
shit with you
you're from shiratorizawa aren't you
that pinch server

semi eita
ahh so he does know how to use it

sawamura daichi
enough semi

matsukawa issei
and you're the karasuno captain
i get it now
wait it says you added 3 people
who's the 3rd

l/n y/n
everyone's favorite person 😕☝️

matsukawa issei
the group name makes sense now

l/n y/n
what did you make this chat for

sawamura daichi
after our conversation a couple
nights ago, i kept thinking about what
you said
the whole "overwhelming" aspect
and i just felt like you needed a
proper apology
from all of us
and i know you're not the type to seek
out the apology yourself so i figured
this would be the best way

matsukawa issei
what are you talking about

sawamura daichi
it came to my attention that all of us
are probably the worst people to exist

semi eita

sawamura daichi
all three of us kicked her out of our
respective team group chats
within the same hour
i don't know if your teammates—
the ones who went and visited her—
told you but things were bad

l/n y/n
let me go ahead and handle this part
what daichi's saying is all last week
i could hardly get out of bed
i sent the inarizaki boys home early bc
i just couldn't stand being around others
and then i locked myself in my room for
3 days straight until oikawa, sugawara and
shirabu came over to check in on me
they forced me to bathe and eat and just
handle my basic needs
i was miserable
my body hurt from not moving and i would
not wish any of that immobility on my
worst enemy
oikawa came by with iwaizumi again after
school that day
suga came with ennoshita thursday
shirabu came with tendou and goshiki
friday and then the twins visited again
during the weekend

matsukawa issei
oh wow
oikawa and iwa never said anything
about that i'm so sorry
i didn't even realize how asshole of me
that was
i didn't even think it would effect you
i really am so sorry

l/n y/n
i could've communicated a little better
with all of you and that's on me
but all of you could've done the same
so i'm not gonna take the blame for that

matsukawa issei
no yeah you're right
all 3 of us are 3rd years and
we should've handled the situation as
such but we didn't
we made things worse in fact and
now everything blew up in all of our

semi eita
someone's not being very honest
with us now is she

sawamura daichi
what are you talking about

l/n y/n

semi eita
you're keeping a very important
detail out n/n

l/n y/n
semi what the fuck are you saying

semi eita
oh so you want me to tell them
miss l/n is a liar it seems
she says she didn't want to be around
people and kicked out the inarizaki
boys but shirabu taking her out that
same day tells me otherwise

l/n y/n
who told you about that

semi eita
tendou doesn't know how to keep
his mouth shut in the locker room

matsukawa issei
oh i see
i mean i don't get why that's any
of your business tho

sawamura daichi
yeah mattsun's got a point
she can do whatever she pleases

semi eita
i just think it's about time she came
out and said how she really feels
which isn't towards any of us

l/n y/n
i'm so tired of people who can't see
that a guy and a girl can just be
friends without liking each other
he's a really good friend that i confide in
i felt comfortable enough to see him so i
had someone to rant to
but they're right
it isn't any of your fucking business eita
i don't have to explain myself to you
you lost any privileges of that when you
started thinking so lowly of me

semi eita
fuck this
i don't really regret taking you
out of the chat
esp bc of the reasoning behind it
but i'm not gonna explain that to
have a nice life y/n

semi eita has left apology circle 🙇‍♂️

sawamura daichi
sorry that happened y/n
he's being really immature

matsukawa issei
if it's any consolation
he's from shiratorizawa so
he was an asshole before you even
met him

sawamura daichi
i don't think that helps

matsukawa issei

l/n y/n
maybe i should've listened to shirabu
when he said to drop him from the
even if it was a joke

matsukawa issei
the list?

l/n y/n
when i didn't know what i wanted
everyone said i should figure out
who i had the best connection with
and shirabu said "i say vote out eita"
actually i'm not sure if he was joking
i cant tell with him sometimes

sawamura daichi
that's justifiable
i mean maybe calling it a list isn't
the best wording but you're getting
i'm just glad at least some of us were
able to clear the air

matsukawa issei
yeah me too
thanks for making this group chat
i feel like i'm able to breathe again

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