07: no CAP-tains

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(a/n: half of this chapter is gonna be irl and the other half is gonna be in group chat format, so we'll see how this goes LOL)


You yawned as you checked the time once again, before rolling out of bed haphazardly to get ready for practice. Daichi, no matter how cute he is, must be completely out of his mind if he thinks any sane person could function properly at seven in the morning. Especially when running on like three hours of sleep.

You attempt to rub away the drowsiness from your eyes while grabbing a pair of leggings, a t-shirt, and a jacket, all while praying that everything matches because you were too lazy to turn the light on. Luckily, you had laid out your uniform for school the previous night so you didn't need to worry about that. You brush your teeth and hair, hurrying to collect your bag so you wouldn't be late. As you're slipping your shoes on, you notice a banana and a note from your parents on the counter.

Have a good day at practice and at school, Hun! xx

You grab the banana, but leave the sheet of paper in its place. You dash out of the door, met with a familiar brunette libero and beanie-clad wing spiker. The two second years beam at you, in too good of a mood for it being 6:30.

"Hey, Y/n! Ready to go?" Noya asks with his seemingly endless amount of energy. You yawn once more before nodding, walking along side the boys.

"No one told you to stay up as late as you did." Tanaka points out, turning his head away to hide his own sleepiness. You roll your eyes at his remark, noting that they were both awake along with you.

"Oh shut up, the whole team went to sleep at like the same exact time. I'm gonna tell Kiyoko you're bullying me again." You pout, punching his arm lightly. He gasps with wide eyes.

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Try me, bald boy."

"Don't test her, Tanaka! I don't trust her with that sort of threat!" Noya shudders, messing with his blonde tuft of hair. You roll your eyes at the pair.

"You're both big babies. Scratch that, instead of Kiyoko, I'm telling Daichi." You stick your tongue out, rubbing your arms for some warmth at the same time. They both freeze in their place. You stop and turn to face them. "Guys, hurry I'm cold and the gym is warm!"

"That's just evil now, Y/n." The shorter boy shakes his head.

"It isn't fair either! Daichi's like in love with you and would do anything you asked him to! He'd probably end our lives if you gave him the option!" His counterpart exclaims. The two definitely had a flair for the dramatics and you don't know how you've managed to put up with it so far. You're about to shoot back a snarky response when you notice the other three boys in your year waiting at your usual spot. You push your thoughts to the side and run over to them.

"How are my favorite second years doing on this fine morning?" You ask, rather chipper in comparison to your attitude moments ago. They all smile, eyes matching their expressions. Nishinoya and Tanaka catch up with the four of you and you all continue your journey to Karasuno.

"Do you think Suga's gonna make you do extra receives for sassing him last night, Ennoshita?" Tanaka laughs, lightly shoving said boy. He chuckles, shrugging.

"Not sure. I hope not. It was pretty funny, though. The reactions I got were so worth it."

"I did not know you had that in you! It was fucking hilarious. Suga always clowns on us but it looks like he finally met his match." Noya snickers. The rest of you do the same.

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