27: y/n support group

489 17 4

(a/n: it's the remix)

sunday, 17:34
three days ago

"Wait, I'm confused."


"Well, I'm trying to wrap my head around why this is bothering you so much. You started to distance yourself from them, so I assumed you got used to the end of the flow of constant conversation. It's been a couple weeks, Y/n."

"That's not the point, Kenjiro. I understand if they got tired of waiting around for me. Anyone would get frustrated if the person they liked was doing the exact opposite of what they wanted. I just— I don't get why they had to kick me out of the group chats like they were the only ones in them. Matsukawa and Semi aren't the fucking captains of the team. I talk to everyone not just them. And Daichi, don't even get me started with him," you took a sip of your milk tea, pinching the bridge of your nose as you placed the plastic cup back on the table. He raises an eyebrow in question. "I'm a fucking manager. I'm apart of the damn team. It's not like the other two, where I'm just a random girl in the group chat. So while that's partially excusable, it's not the case with Daichi. I have every right to be in the Karasuno group chat and him removing me is just— it's just so— ugh!" Your elbows rest on the surface beneath you and you hold your face in your hands.

Shirabu somehow convinced you to leave your room, promising to get you mochi and milk tea since Suna didn't get to do so before you shooed the Inarizaki boys out of your house. You briefly escaped your very low mood, but replaced it with an aggravated one. "Yeah, that— uh— makes a lot more sense, I guess. Think of it this way, though. At least now you know you didn't give your heart up to someone who wasn't even willing to stick it out for you." His arms are crossed and he taps his fingers on his biceps. You nod at that, knowing he was right. He's about to speak again, the buzz of his phone cutting him off. He sighs. "Listen, it's getting later and I have to be back at the Academy before they close the gates. I asked Tendou if he could stall a little, but there's only so much the guy can do. I think I have enough time to walk you back home first. I don't want you to go alone."

"Don't worry about it! I can call [yer brother if you have one or a fake brother if you don't]-nii to come pick me up. Thanks for talking with me. Get back to your dorm safely, okay?" You smile softly. His face feels warm but he nods anyways, waving to you as he leaves the boba shop.


wednesday, 14:07

shirabu kenjiro has created
y/n support group 🩺🧼

shirabu kenjiro has added 2 members

shirabu kenjiro
i think she's okay
well as okay as she can get

sugawara koushi
that's good
did she eat all of her rice?

shirabu kenjiro
yeah i didn't leave until she did

sugawara koushi
thanks for staying with her after
we left
i know missing classes and practice
is rougher at shiratorizawa
esp bc you're officially the main setter

oikawa tooru
so glad i didn't go to that fuck ass
wack ass school
but yeah thanks karen!

sugawara koushi
dear god 😭
im surprised you didn't joke
around while we were at her house
you seem like the type to do that in
a serious situation

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