Chapter 2

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Ten Years Later

"I really don't feel like going to school." Michelle said flopping back on the bed.

"What do you feel like doing?" I asked picking something out to wear.

"Well if you really want to know, I kind of just want to get back and bed and watch Maury and sleep. If you really want me to be honest with you."

"You always do that. It's a new year for us, we're sophomores now and that means we're closer to being seniors."

"Then we out of that place for good!" She said opening her arms up wide and smiling still laying on the bed.

"Yes Michelle then we graduate." I said agreeing with her.

"How do you do it Carter?" She asked.

"Do what?"

"How do you just get up and get ready for school? I mean I know school is important and all but how can you just get up and go about your day happily? I don't get it."

"Well to be honest I actually like school. Despite the fact that our school is mostly segregated I enjoy learning new things. And plus I plan on going to college so I mines as well start loving school since I plan on being in school for another six years." I said sitting on the bed looking down at her while she lays there. Michelle and I were always the complete opposite when it came to school. She rather stay home and do nothing while I liked going to school and learning something new. I am more of the educational one in our friendship and she is the party animal. I mean partying is good and all but I can do that once I get to college or start my career. I love Michelle like a sister I really do but sometimes she gets on my nerves when she gets into her lazy moods. Getting off the bed I threw her clothes at her. "Get dressed, it's our first day back and I don't want to be late."

"There's nothing wrong with being late, it actually helps us stand out more and say a lot about our character." She stated matter of factly.

"Yeah it says we're late and don't care about life."

"I wouldn't put it in those words but okay."

"You have ten minutes."

"Or what?"

"We leave you."

"Mrs. Harris wouldn't do that she loves me too much."

"She will if it comes to my education." I said slamming the door. Going into the bathroom I go through my mental check list making sure I have everything. Looking in the mirror I give myself a faint smile. Today was the first day of school and I wanted to make a good first impression. I decided to try to spice up my uniform like some of the other girls. Instead of my normal khaki pants I went with a khaki skirt that came a little above my knees and a black V neck shirt that show a tad bit of cleavage with my black blazer. I pulled my curly hair back with a black headband and put in my diamond studded earrings. I went with my black flats and had on some lip balm. I wasn't a big fan of makeup and plus my mom said I wasn't old enough for it. I was okay looking, I thought there were a lot prettier girls at my school. I was 5"7 mostly legs a small top and a small bottom. Sometimes I would stuff my bra to see what it would look like if I had a bigger chest. Walking out of the bathroom I walked into Michelle.

"How I look?" She asked while spinning around.

"Great." I said with a smile. Michelle had on a short Khaki mini skirt with a black mid top that showed off her belly button piercing and a black blazer that covered her bare stomach. Her hair was down and curly with her big hopped earrings. She had on red lip stick and some cover up and eye shadow. She even had on some black mini pumps. Michelle was 5"8 with a great body I envied it sometimes. Her breasts were bigger than mines and even her butt was bigger than mines. A lot of people thought she was mixed but she was plain Italian. Every time we went somewhere together she got all the attention and all the stares, people barley notice me unless she dresses me then I get a few stares. Walking down the steps to the kitchen my mom was cooking and humming. "Hey mom." I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

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