Chapter 6

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(3rd person)
After everyone finished their meals and the table was cleared they all sat and talked.

"So how long have you two been together?" Shawn asked.

"Umm about two months going on three." Jacob answered

"Oh so y'all babies in the relationship game?" Zeka awed. "That's cute. How y'all meet?" Zeka questioned.

"School. We had a science class together and ended up being lab partners for the year. The more I talked to her the more I started to like her and I wanted to see what she was really about. I hope we make it as long as you guys did and longer." Jacob said while looking Carter in her eyes the whole time.

"Y'all is too fuckin' cute." Zeka said.

"Really Z?" Tiara whined.

"What?" Zeka asked with an attitude.

"There's no need to cuss." Tiara said.

"Says the one who cusses every other second." Carter added in more to herself than out loud.

"Excuse me? I do not cuss that much." Taira said in shock.

"Lies." Jacob added.

"Ain't nobody ask ya ass." Tiara said dismissing him.

"Exactly." Carter mentioned.

"I know y'all ain't ganging up on me." Tiara said getting an attitude.

"I'm not trying to gang up on you I'm just calling it how I see it. You know you cuss a lot too so why act like you're innocent in all of this?" Carter said.

"I'm not acting innocent I'm just trying to be a good host." Tiara said then rolled her eyes. "I'm boutta go see if D called me." She said excusing herself. Waiting until she was fully out of sight Zeka started to ask more questions.

"So y'all fuckin'?" Zeka asked giving them her full undivided attention.

"No!" They both yelled in unison.

"What, what y'all waiting for? Y'all not getting any younger you know?" Zeka said.

"Well I'm waiting until she's ready to take that step." Jacob said looking at her.

"And I'm waiting for my career to take off." Carter smiled.

"How old are y'all again?" Zeka asked.

"I'm sixteen and he's eighteen." Carter answered.

"I'm sorry but I just don't understand. At sixteen I was doing every position at every place I could find. I mean don't get me wrong I respect that you're waiting until your financially set but let's be for real. Tomorrow isn't promised and I'm not saying this as an excuse for y'all to just go out and start fuckin' it's just my personal opinion."

"Must you be so vulgar?" Shawn asked.

"Must you be such a bitch?" Zeka replied with a smirk.

"Watch ya mouth." Shawn commanded.

"Whatever nigga." Zeka said dismissing him.

"Well I gotta get home. I have homework I still need to complete." Carter said as she was getting up from the table.

"Awe so soon? I really enjoyed talking to you guys. It's refreshing to meet virgin lovers." Zeka laughed.

"Oh I'm not a virgin she is." Jacob said.

"Really Jacob? Did you have to say that?" Carter asked him embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I was just trying to-"Jacob started.

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